
I have an issue that is new to me and I need a solution. I use 4 computers, a GATEWAY and 3 DELLs. The issue is that I could install CTM on 3 of the 4. For #4 a DELL 8100, CTM will NOT install from COMODO site or any third party site. The results are the same. Error mess, “CANNOT FIND DRIVE ID”. I have never heard of that. I have been using CTM for a long time and have found it necessary to remove and reinstall CTM on various towers never with an issue. What is the issue with THIS tower? I can download and install any other program on the same tower including a TRIAL version of another program which I wish to remove for that reason and go back to CTM. Is it possible the file is corrupted. XP SYSTEM RESTORE does not always work. I use CTM instead. Please provide me with a solution.

Would you please provide your HardDisk info to us?
You can go to “My Computer” >“Manage” >“Disk Management” and do a screenshot for the disk information.