CTM real scarry stuff, All documents and data will be lost!

I used CMT on my machines but found a lot of strange problems. Uninstall was almost not possible but the scariest I found out just yet.

All documents and data will be lost when moving back in time. This is something that is not good. This way going back in time hurts more than It does good.

You can alsways contact me on MSN

I’ve experienced it myself, too.
The best uninstall is via boot menu I think.
My in-windows uninstaller was “broked up” and it didn’t close, nor finished. After restart and another try, all went well but after restart system was back in baseline.

All documents and data will be lost when moving back in time. This is something that is not good. This way going back in time hurts more than It does good.

Settings > Program Settings > [selected] Always take a snapshot of the current system before restoring system

Always take a snapshot of the current system before restoring system - Instructs Comodo Time Machine to take a snapshot of the current system whenever you restore your system to a previously taken snapshot.

What good does a snapshot If we want to uninstall CTM? I had worked with CTM 1 week and decided it had to much problems. So the normal thing to do is restore to the first install because this is the point without the CTM problems and than Uninstall.

Are those documents created after the snapshot you restore to is taken?

Hi Eljo.
Could you please send your contact information to me? I will help to you diagnose the problem of uninstallation. And try to rescue your data. You can PM to me or send mail to doskey(at)comodo.com

We need your help to improve CTM.


Sorry to respond so late.

All has been done and CTM is gone incl. data. Next time I will contact you directly so we can take action. Still I do not understand I got a shortness of diskspace from CTM when I had 24GB left. I have ordered a bigger 500gb disk for my laptop than I will go for it again.