CTM & Google Offline mode causes BSOD

I have found that enabling Google Gmail or Calendar Offline mode results in a BSOD if CTM is installed.

I have CTM 2.8.155286.178, and using Firefox 3.5.12.

Whenever I’ve had this crash, I had to uninstall CTM, then enable Google Offline, then reinstall CTM. After this it all works as expected.

The BSOD gives an error in ctmflt.sys.

As Google Offline mode is a very popular service, please can you investigate this BSOD.

Hi… Abeber,

Do go to the “Beta Corner” n download CTM2.9beta version n give it a TRY…
It uses a new snapshot engine n lots of prior bugs have been fixed, which may not cause BSOD on U again.

After U’ve tried it, do come back n give ur feed-back.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I’ve installed the beta and tested enabling and disabling Offline mode for Google mail & calendar several times, and there has been no BSOD so far, so it looks like this version solves that problem.

Great software for saving your system when something goes wrong.