CTM is unable to restart !!! and Windows as well !!! Shutdown only !!! Any Fix ?
Seems that TM is much better from (stolen) Rollback Rx Pro, but without re reinstallation cannot remove one of protected drives from protected list !!!
Neither Windows, neither CTM is able to restart !!! Only to shutown !!!
Does anybody know some fix 1???
How many snapshots is recommended (from CTM experienced users) - Rollback crash my OS at approx. 60 snaps !!!
Can you able to see boot up page of CTM when you press “HOME” key ? If so, then you have to choose “COMPACT” option to defrag which will save disk space by removing recent snapshots. If “COMPACT” fails to restart your system then use “UNINSTALL” option in the CTM boot up page.
If you see blank screen with no CTM or Windows logo then go to BIOS to check whether the hard drive and DVD drive are detected. If they are detected then download Comodo rescue disk here Rescue Disk for Windows | Comodo Free Rescue Disk Software
If everything fails you will have the option to at least back up all your files from your system.