CTM 2.8 install failure on my HP Elite 2540P neither XP or win7(both32bit,64bit)

no matter what i do,after install it,then auto restart computer,and it keep black screen,then press the power button to restart,it went in my desk,and i click the CTM,it show that install failure.

I v reset my bios,format the disk,and have installed XP,win7 32bit,win7 64bit ,the same problem,

Hey free

Could you tell use what kind of disk you have? do you have normal HDD or SSD. Do you have RAID on?

CTM will only work on SSD if the TRIM function is off and CTM is not compatible to to RAID.


I suggest you install CTM 2.9b; it’s more stable and some errors that the 2.8 has are fixed such as console fix.

Valentin N

Its a seagate SATA 250G HDD,and i tried the 2.9b,the same blackscreen,when i restart ,i found it didnt installed ,there is no CTM in my system,there is only a empty CTM file folder in c:\program file.

Have you installed as admin? Do you have other OS on the same HDD?

YE,of course the administration ,and i format the all the disk ,new install the OS,from XP to WIN7 one by one.let me try my sansung 128G SSD Saturday.

I think its the mainboard problem or BIOS,I see some HP laptop user has the same problem,like DV6,8440P