CSC Safe For Windows 7, 64 Bit OS?

After my horrendous experience with Comodo Time Machine (It crashed my new system and I had to reinstall everything, >:( >:() I am quite dubious/apprehensive about the new, released versions of products. That said, I have been impressed with Comodo Firewall so I do monitor the release of Comodo products from time to time.

My questions:

  1. How rigorous was the testing of CSC 3.0.167866.37 with OS Windows 7, 64 bit, prior to its 2) Has anyone had negative experiences with CSC 3.0 and Windows 7, 64 bit
    and what were your experiences?

                 [b][b] Not trying to be negative BUT..........[/b][/b]
                                Thanks for any feedback![tr][td][/td][/tr]

Since you’ve had bad experiences before, I’d be careful. I have a backup drive, so I don’t mind trying new products. CSC 3.0 isn’t working correctly on my WinXP system:;msg453842#msg453842

Be aware that you may have problems as well… :wink:

I do intend to be very careful with this product. (I have downloaded it BUT I have not, and will not run it until I am reasonably certain that it will perform as advertised.) :-\ :-\

The last version (2.2) worked great on my system and on various other computers with WinXP I’ve worked on. This new release (3.0) doesn’t. It fails on “Clean My Computer”, I got no prompt to reboot for “Safe Delete”. After it did clean something, there was no prompt after completion. I find miscellaneous report errors in various summary screens. I also find no way to just run a scan without running a clean. These are my first observations. Maybe on a Win7 machine, things are different.

I will await further confirmation of successful operation on Windows 7, 64 bit, methinks! :wink:

I’m now back to CSC 2.2.335611.5 until the new version gets fixed.

Here are my personal rules for using the registry cleaner feature on this or any other computer cleaner:

  1. Don’t use that feature.
  2. Always have a backup of your machine (regardless of using this program)
  3. Use Safe Delete. CSC has this feature. Most others do not.
  4. Don’t use that feature.

I have used it on my Win7 64-bit computer without issue. I have seen cCleaner do more harm than CSC, but I do not have as much experience with CSC yet.



hi mug.
actually i would disagree with you.
most registry cleaners use heuristics to clean whereas comodo uses a database which is an excellent chance of corrupting the system that way.

as for ccleaner.ive used it for over a year with no problems whatsoever.

kind regards.

Simple - just stay away of CSC - that’s a complete disaster

& yes - no problems whatsoever with CCleaner on both platforms

DARREN.1972, I will post later into Tweakpower thread , that raises kinda similar issues


Installed CSC on my Win 7 64bit machine last night. Today it crashed with some error I’ve never seen before. Program looks nice but cannot seem to get it to show Cleaned. Don’t know if it caused the issue with computer but I’ve never had it shut down and goto a blue screen before saying Windows Shut Down.