CSC crashes on program startup [SOLVED]

Hi all,

I installed CSC a while ago and used it from time to time.
Two weeks ago CSC installed an update. All worked fine but when i started CSC yesterday, it started like always but after 10 seconds it crashes. When i restarted the program, it crashed instantly

Rebooting my system did not help. I have no idea where to look to be able to fix it.
Can anyone help me? I submitted some reports with the crash error reporter of CSC.

I did not change any hardware/drivers in the last months. Only updates of CIS and antivirus

Try a clean install of CSC using Revo uninstaller.

Or when you want to do it manually. Uninstall and delete the Comodo folders under Program Files and Program Files\Common Files.

When using XP delete the CSC related folders under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ and C:\Documents and Settings%username%\Application Data.

When using Vista/Win7 delete all CSC related folders under
Users%username%\appdata\local, Users%username%\appdata\roaming\ and \Users%username%\appdata\local\virtual store.

I finally got around to test it by removing the left over folders.
I removed then and reinstalled CSC. No crashes so far. I left the program open. First it would crahs after 20 seconds. Now i did not experience for multiple minutes, so i think im good now.

Thanks for that

Only why are there so many left over folders and files in the app_data tree? Even the programfiles folder is not removed. Is the registery even cleaned upon uninstall of CSC?