CSC 2.0.101929.1 Beta: Non-bug Issues - fix before final release

  1. Reposition window buttons - The close window, minimize window, maximize window, help, and misc buttons should be integrated into the main CSC window and not floating out in thin air (see #1 in pic). With the current format, it is difficult to see the buttons, especially when you have multiple windows open. This issue was already mentioned here by L.A.R Grizzly.

  2. Many of the buttons at the bottom of the window are barely readable. Furthermore, the text within the button is not centered properly. It would be better to enhance the readability of the buttons by enlarging the text, by increasing the contrast between the text and the button, and by centering the text. See #2 in pic.

  3. Summary info at the bottom of the window - the blue text is not well visualized. It would be better to enhance the readablity by making the text bold and by increasing the contrast between the text and the background See #3 in pic.

  4. The 1-2-3-4 progress meter in the upper right corner should be better implemented so that it is more informative. If you want it to be most effective, you should label each step under the progress meter. Currently, you list some desciption of the steps on the left side of the screen (see #4 in pic), but it is too far away from the progress meter and the text is often incorrect (i.e. the text does not correlate with the step on the progress meter. For example, see #4 in pic…registry scan was step 2, now it is on step 3 and it still says registry scan.)
    It would be much better to combine the progress meter and the text description as described here , See # 5 in pic for an example. I also think the steps should be described as I show in #5 in the pic.


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Thanks for your feedback.

Your welcome.

Here are some more issues.

  1. The pie chart in the Wipe module appears to have a GUI problem (see pic).

  2. “unsafe to delete” label in registry cleaner is unclear. See this post for details.

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1. Reposition window buttons - The close window, minimize window, maximize window, help, and misc buttons should be integrated into the main CSC window and not floating out in thin air.I actually do like the transparent part in between. That being said it took me some 15s to figure out that they existed though. I also notice the grey colour makes it blend in some with backgrounds. A colour change may make them more visible.

2. Many of the buttons at the bottom of the window are barely readable. Furthermore, the text within the button is not centered properly. It would be better to enhance the readability of the buttons by enlarging the text, by increasing the contrast between the text and the button, and by centering the text. See #2 in pic.Agreed here.

3. Summary info at the bottom of the window - the blue text is not well visualized. It would be better to enhance the readablity by making the text bold and by increasing the contrast between the text and the background See #3 in pic.Nods

4. The 1-2-3-4 progress meter in the upper right corner should be better implemented so that it is more informative. If you want it to be most effective, you should label each step under the progress meter. Nods again

I would like to add that the buttons on the left side, indicating the different units, are a bit too clunky. When I look at the icons I can’t immediately recognise them and know what they represent. Instead of scanning and recognising in one instance it takes at least 3 if not 4 or 5 instances. I think the 3D representation is one part that takes the extra process time. May be going to 2D will speed up navigating the interface.

i think the min/max/close buttons need to be docked onto the main window, they are often too hard to see & click.

see pic, yes laugh at my crummy editing skills.

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I concur.;msg308052#msg308052
