Crash on startup

After installing the current build of firewall and defense plus, system worked for 1 night. Upon cold startup next day, “svchost.exe” and “logonui.exe” failed to start - No logon screen. Can someone check this out?
Please inform me how to work around this problem.

Try booting in safe mode. To do so push push F8 several times towards the end of the BIOS routine on start up. You will get in a screen with boot options. Choose safe mode.

In safe mode start up Comodo. Go to D+ → Advanced → Computer Security Policy → make sure Windows System Application are set Windows system application (winlogon is part of this group) and that Windows updater appliations are set to Installer or updater (svchost is part of this group).

In case you have made separate rules for winlogon and svchost outside the mentioned groups; browse through the list and make sure they are not blocked. Or rather delete them. CIS will make new rules for them (don’t delete the rules for winlogon and svchost in the groups).

Then set Defense + in Clean PC mode under Defense Plus settings.

Now reboot and see what happens. After two reboots you can notch Defense + back up to Safe Mode.