CPU experts needed

I have had my new computer for less than three months and have had a fair few problems with it. Within the last week the supplier took it back into the workshop and put in a new motherboard, memory chips and even a new hard drive. Since getting it back I noticed that my CPU which had been an Intel Pentium 4 2.80GHz Dual Core was now showing in system information as a 1.60GHz. I rang the supplier to point this out and was told that this is one of the latest processors and is equivalent to the one I had, as Intel has changed their methods of rating them. I looked on Intel’s site but not being very knowledgeable regarding computer innards could not make any headway with getting an answer. I tried ringing Intel support but without me knowing the full details of the chip they wouldn’t give me any info.

In system information the CPU is down as 2140 @ 1.60GHz whereas the original was just listed as 2.80GHz, does the 2140 @ have any relevance to the power of the new CPU or am I being taken for a ride and this just a plain old 1.60GHz.

Any help will be gratefully received.



I’m not a CPU expert but judging from your case the 2140 would seem like the model of the CPU and the 1.6 GHz its click speed.

If you could put a screenshot of your system properties (go to my computer in the start menu right click then click properties, or in Vista just go to the start menu go to computer right click then click properties) and give us a screenshot then that would be a big help.


Thanks for the reply Justin, I have included a jpg of the CPU info.


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Thank you very much for the information. You are using an Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU model 2140 clocked at 1.6 GHz, according to your information that you posted earlier before you took it into the shop you had an Intel Pentium Dual Core but clocked at 2.8 GHz so it would seem the shop gave you a weaker processor.


Hi Justin,

Thanks again, I certainly could not find anything that the supplier claimed was on the Intel site suggesting that the latest batch of processors were now reclassified making a 1.60GHz equivalent to the old 2.80GHz. The suppliers rely on a lack of technical knowledge regarding changes in hardware to mislead people like myself and I confess my knowledge of the inner workings of the computer is limited. I have made some tests with Cinema 4D renderings and they are certainly slower than they were.
