CPF not recognized by Windows [Resolved]

I just installed CPF on Windows XP SP2. The problem is that Windows doesn’t recognize that I have a firewall running so it keeps alerting me to the problem. I don’t want to disable those checks by the OS, so how do I get XP to recognize CPF?


Another user reported similar problems here, which were solved by logging on once as an Administrator and then logging off again. Perhaps try that?

I was logged in as Administrator when I installed the software, and I’ve logged off and on several times since then. No luck.


OK then…

This post also looks promising - although there is no reply saying whether or not it worked, so hopefully fredra’s computer is not trashed! The post he is referring to is quoted here:

said by Sir Lagalot:

But I don’t want to disable Security Center. I just want to correct the false reference to McAfee. I think the reference is either in the registry or Windows Management Instrumentation. I haven’t found it in the registry and I’ve looked pretty thoroughly. So it must be the latter, which I know very little about.

I found the answer! The problem was with Windows Management Instrumentation and the fact that its database was now incorrect. To fix this, I had to (1) stop the WMI Service, (2) delete the “repository” folder in C:\windows\system32\wbem, and (3) start the WMI Service. Starting the service rebuilds the deleted folder and the database. Once I restarted my system, Windows Security Center no longer showed McAfee Firewall as running.

The usual disclaimers… hope it works. It it was me, I would first uninstall Comodo Personal Firewall before doing this.

If still joyless, I may have another option. I had a semi-similar problem with a previous version of Comodo Personal Firewall that would not deregister itself with WMI. I managed to sort it out, and I still have the steps outlined. I’ll provide them if needed.


The post from dooplex below should be made sticky as it solves the XP Security Centre not declaring CPF due to ■■■■ left behind from a prior FW.

Would it be an idea to have a serparate non-postable forum that contained the known, proven and verified fixes to common errors like this one? Other candidates would be the 1608 errors, defining a zone to allow LAN traffic etc.

This way, users on the forum could just point a noob (no disrespect intended) at the relevant answer.

What do you think?
Ewen :slight_smile:
(WCF3) (WCF3) (WCF3)

I tried to follow these instructions but there is no WMI service running on my PC.

Nevermind. I was looking under Services for it. I’ve found it but I don’t see a way to turn it off.


Just right click and choose stop.


Here’s what I had to do:

  1. Open a CMD prompt window
  2. Type “net stop winmgmt”
  3. Delete c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository
  4. Type “net start winmgmt”
  5. Reboot (This step may not be necessary…)
  6. Open a CMD prompt window
  7. Type “cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem”
  8. Type “for %i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %i”
  9. Type “for %i in (*.exe) do %i /RegServer”
  10. Reboot

That rebuilt and repaired the repository and now all is well.

Well done! That went into a little more depth than I first anticipated… You must be pretty familiar with batch file scripting. Time to tuck this away into the Comodo knowledge base!

Here’s the other method that I hinted at earlier, for the sake of completeness. Note that this works for Security-Center-enabled AntiVirus products, too:

1 ) Start → Run → wbemtest (ok)

2 ) In wbemtest click Connect…

3 ) Where it says ‘root\default’ overtype with: root\SecurityCenter click Connect

4 ) You see a grid of buttons, click Query…

5 ) In the query box type: “Select * from AntivirusProduct” and then ‘Apply’. If you get a result you can double click it and scroll down the properties of that AntivirusProduct.

6 ) You can also run the query: “Select * From FirewallProduct” if you have another firewall product (which is WMI enabled) apart from Microsoft’s (which is perhaps surfaced in the root\CIMV2 namespace and not in the SecurityCenter namespace)

7 ) Check that the entry is indeed the unwanted Firewall product (e.g. Sunbelt Kerio) by double-clicking on it and checking things like the company name. Once satisfied, delete the entire entry.

8 ) Log off and back on again. Alternatively, reboot.

