I realize I may be hung, burned at the stake and drowned for this but here it goes…
I haven’t had 1 issue with CPF, not old nor the new and all went smoothly save for my pc being corrupt from my son and not downloading correctly which I immediately fixed. On three computers, all diffent , 2 XPpro, 1 home, none have had issues with CPF. Although to be FAIR, I haven’t updated the one yet as it is down, but when running CPF on it, it was fine. I think it runs great, as well I should otherwise I would be lying. I see this all the time and I am finally going to list my thoughts on this…and a note:
((I am not specifying ANYONE, in this thread or other threads, nor calling anyone a liar, stupid or anything else… but feel I need to address this and think it needs to be touched on and this is MY take\opinion, not Comodos…))
1.) Every OS is the same but different. While two people may have XPpro, the registries from other programs and such may be different and cause different outcomes when running ANY program.
2.) While some think this is JUST comodo that is causing these issues, I have seen a number of things happen, people get mad, VERY mad at comodo for CPF not working right, blaming it to no end and SOME not ALL are on a crusade to purposely run down the CPF. I think others have seen this as well and know it to be true. Some people refuse to believe it could be their OS in trouble instead and will accept no other explanation.
3.) In a slight relation to #2, I have seen others complain about the silliest things and make major issues out of them, so tolerance levels seem to be at an all time low these days. While instead of appreciating a fine free firewall, many would assume to complain about issues that expensive firewalls haven’t even touched on. I do understand though that Comodo wants all takes and all sides, understanably but some complaints show the “I didn’t get my pony” syndrome.
4.) In relation to #2 and #3, some don’t tell the whole truth and I have seen this many times. Not all will admit they use P2P for illegal downloading, or that they have a spyware\virus infested system along with other major corruption with hardware of software. While some is due to lack of understanding, some scared to admit, some don’t care, whatever the reason, this does get pushed back onto Comodo as well instead of blaming themselves.
5.) Some get so mad and such little patience that they refuse to even get a fix or try one. I find this very childish to say the least. Others would try to have me\others believe that at no other time, even on older pcs that they have had trouble with anything else besides Comodo. Now being an upcoming tech in the PC industry and fixing pcs for some time, I would find this almost impossible to believe.
6.) Some want absolute and immediate fixes. This is highly in part to lack of understanding of what it takes to accomplish what some consider a small chore. Fixes and such are not as simple as hitting your Yahoo icon, there is much work involved. The other part is a bit of selfishness,and intolerance. I want, I want ,I want.
7.) The global warming issue. If one person has an issue, they assume it’s CPF causing this on a universal scale. They refuse to belive that others have no issues and even if a few on the forums have them, then it is most definately a CPF problem and not theirs and don’t believe that a very good portion DON’t have issues. It’s obvious to me that those who don’t have problems will not be posting since they don’t feel the need to have to. Those that do, will be posting and drawing attention to fix the issue but doesn’t mean it’s once again, a global issue.
8.) Then there are those who have honest problems and admit mistakes on their part or at least calm down enough to accept a theory. (:CLP)
9.) There are issues on CPF’s part as well and the team does a wonderful job at addressing these issues.
<<The only reason I felt I should mention these is because of an incident today. The kid who lives next door to me whom I told about Comodo, had jumped onto the forums only to see the complaints and was scared off and will no longer take my word that Comodo isn’t as bad as what some make it to be. I tried for an hour to convince him otherwise but he wouldn’t listen. While I understand that this is unpreventable , I would like to say that others, newbies specifically should take time to read some of the GOOD things about Comodo and realize that just because someone is having problems DOESN’T mean everyone will. This has been stated more than once that others were afraid to install due to complaints. >>
That said, I just want to say, I know not everyone does this, many problems are real and as serious as they state they are. But when going overboard on an issue to where it scares away others isn’t a good thing. While this probably can’t be prevented, perhaps some may read this and at least give CPF a chance and not thinking the worst. Another note: people also seem to slam the Comodo team on occasion but I would like to state that on the forums, they are here and helpful and do their best to help if users can’t . Comodo keeps in touch with users on a daily basis and listens unlike many other forums\companies who would rather you give them a payment for software and drop off the face of the earth. Our ideas, the user’s ideas, are taken into consideration every day here and they provide an excellent free firewall to us. Paid firewalls have caused just as major if not worse and more often , problems . Just look on those forums if you don’t believe me and the issues are very deep indeed. When I see the percentege of problems\complaints on other forums to the number of complaints\issues on Comodo, Comodo in fact has very few percentege wise. I personally don’t see how some can get so mad over a free product even if it has a problem. Look what people pay for Windows XP and they have rebuilt the system twice along with 50 other updates after.
In closing, no program is flawless and know that CPF isn’t either but this is my opinion on the matter, my take and not Comodo’s. in my opinion, Comodo, along with Melih, Ewen, Justin, Mike, Ryan, Egemen, Paulo, are absolutely great and provide us at NO COST a wonderful firewall among other programs and try hard to keep in touch and make it better for us every time a new version arrives. I just hope that others read this before getting scared away.