Just switched to Comodo, very nice however I have a few general questions if functionally already exists (but hidden somewhere) or feature requests and some general questions.
[feature request or hidden setting?]
- Be able to allow all dns queries.
Searching in the forums, I’ve seen this requested before but still nothing?
So long as I can define what are valid dns servers, I don’t see the point in being bombarded dns requests. Every single program that wants to connect to the internet first wants to look something up, I will get to the blocking/allowing when an actual connection is trying to be made.
[general question]
2. When I uncheck ‘Enable Alerts for loopback requests’ whats the default action? Will all loopbacks automatically be allowed or denied?
[feature request or hidden setting?]
3. I have the alert frequency set to Very High. However I think it would be more useful if i could bring up a custom rule configuration on the alert window. That way if i wanted to allow a program to access any ip address on port xxx, I can do so in one easy step. Instead I have to allow, then go into the rules, change it from one single ip to any.
[bug report]
4. I was in the Network security policy changing things around, ie #3 above… and another applications alert box popped up. I made some changes to remember, then went back to the network security policy and hit okay and Comodo crashed. When I relaunched comodo my entire Application rules and global rules were erased.
[minor feature request or hidden setting?]
5. In the alert window, i think it would be nicer if the default action was always NOT to remember this rule. Currently the check box remembers its position from the last alert window that popped up.
if you read all that, thanks for reading and thanks for an awesome program =]