Container (Sandbox) - Run OUTSIDE of Cotaniner - Context Menu

1. What actually happened or you saw:
Only option when you right click is:
“Run in COMODO Container”

2. What you wanted to happen or see:
“Run in COMODO Container”
“Run outside COMODO Container”

“Run outside COMODO Container”

3. Why you think it is desirable:
I use (enable) Auto-Containment. Sometime 1-2 software I don’t want it to Auto-Contain. I have to Disable Auto-Container for 15 minutes. Run the software. And Enable Auto-Container again. Sometime I forget to Enable too.

4. Any other information:
Please add this feature. Or something that have similar feature.

They are going to add the option to ask before something is run in containment just like CCAV.

That good fine for “Strict” mode, but rather annoying if you want “silent” mode.

Guess I wait another 5 years before this wish-list get added.