I’m trying Comodo Firewall Version 4.1.150349.920
When I start Adobe Reader V9.3 start also the program AdobeARM.exe (Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager) present in the folder “C:\Programmi\File comuni\Adobe\ARM\1.0” (windows italian version).
Comodo Firewal informs me that this program tries to access to internet: I choose to block but AdobeArm access anyway.
Previous I was installed PCTools Firewall that inform me that AdobeArm.exe try to use Svchost.exe (Generic Host process for Win32 Services) to connect to internet: I select block and AdobeARM.exe fails to connect.
There is a bug in Comodo Firewall or this use of Svchost.exe is not detected?
I think it’s a big flaw for a firewall on the whole interesting.
Can you help me?