Hi! I discovered an interesting bug/incompatibility while testing some PHP scripts and having COMODO SecureEmail installed. Whether I use PHP’s mail() function (which I suppose opens a socket to the mail server) or a PHP class that does the same thing, it seems that when PHP tries to write the open socket it is unable to complete the action and hangs, BUT ONLY IF the email contains a string such as the following:
Content-Type: text/plain;
No one of those characters will cause the hang, but a string like that will do it. If I remove it, then I can send emails fine with CSE installed. However, this is impractical in practice, since I can’t control the content of all the emails my project is sending.
I’m not sure if this is a bug or if there’s a workaround (I tried adding port 25, which I’m sending emails on, to the Comodo Secure Email ports, but no luck). I thought I would report it so it could be investigated further.
Again, I’ll say that this is somehow related to sockets - I got that far in debugging it from the PHP side. I then read that CSE installs itself on the network layer. It makes sense to me then that there’s some kind of conflict. Maybe CSE is intercepting PHP trying to communicate with the SMTP server and mangling or getting confused by the header-like string? Or maybe it’s sending a response to PHP that is unexpected? My SMTP server logs basically say that the client (PHP) closes the connection unexpectedly.
And just to wrap it up, when I uninstalled CSE, mail from PHP resumed working normally. I’d like to be able to re-install it, though, because I was testing it to see if some friends and I could use it to send secure information through email.