Problem description: When Easy VPN is installed Comodo antispam (CAS32.exe 2.7 Beta) loads in the context of crdphService.exe (ie the cdrph process is its parent). In this context CAS cannot load its setup files and so the setup process is invoked. Also CAS cannot import email accounts and contacts lists from email clients eg Outlook 2003. Also CAS icon does not appear, and CAS has no GUI until killed and re-opened. This is causing a problem for quite a few CAS users - a bug report has been completed in the CAS forum, but its difficult to tell if its due to CAS or Easy VPN.
- Your Operating System (32 or 64 bit) and Service Pack revision: XP SP3 32 Bit (Pentium 4 CPU 3Ghz, 4Gb RAM)
- Other Security and Utility Software Installed: See appended config report for details. Usually: Comodo - CIS, CVE, CIV, CLP, CSE, CAS, IVault; Other- Wallwatcher, Sony Ericsson PC software, Actual Window Manager, Revo, Process Explorer, Google Desktop, Process Tamer, Process Explorer, Kiwi Syslog, Idrive, Stuffit
- Step by step description to reproduce the issue: Install & configure CAS, Install Easy VPN, reboot. CAS setup wizard will be invoked. In process explorer you will see that CAS is running in wrong context (has Easy VPN as parent not Explorer.
- How you tried to resolve the problem: Tried normal fixes for XP taskbar bug - inc disabling SSDP discovery service, UPNP services, taskbar refresh. These solve some other problems with taskbar item disappearance and progs running in wrong context, but do not work if Easy VPN is running.
- Upload Memory Dumps on crash if you encounter any: N/A
- Attach screenshots to your posts to clarify the issue further: Will add when next occurs N/A
- Virus database version; N/A
- Any other information you think that might be useful. User account: Admin. CIS settings: See appended config report for details.
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