Conflict between Avira and CIS.

I must correct: I have this problem, now, since four days. Avira didn’t update nor automatically nor manually with VDF update. Tomorrow I came back to 4.0 CIS version ( restoring a disk image ) and Avira now updates very fine. Are not Avira’s servers, another pc with CIS 4.0 and Avira updated normally in these days.

Edit by EricJH: I split this from a feedback topic

In trying to get to the bottom of this could post screenshots of D+ and firewall logs?

Ops… I restored 4.0 version. Now I’m not at home, tomorrow I’ll update at the 4.1 version and I’ll post the screenshot, thanks for your help :).

Well, updated at 4.1. Exactly, what screen shot do you want to see by Defense+ and by the fw ? In fw events no one events about my trials to update Avira; After the first trial, I can’t open Avira neither from Start< programs nor from the icon in the tray bar. The real time av works - I see in the Task, but I can’t open the program.

The problem is not with Comodo. Avira is having problems with the updater regardless of what Firewall is running. In Avira click on the update header at the top and choose Start product Update. It may or may not update if not then click on start Update F9. usually that will work the other problem with Avira updates is that during the day the servers get very busy so try again later at night.

its not good to have more than one AV on a computer it will could cause Conflicts Conflicts

I use not CIS free, only Avira.

It’s not an Avira issue: I had not and I have not it with CIS 4.0. And when the Avira update fails, the GUI freezes and I can’t oen it.

Do they D+ logs show any blocking of Avira components? The logs are under Defense + → Common Tasks → View Defense + Alerts.

No, any event relative to Avira or Avira update: this is the reason for I asked " what logs "; ( the settings in Defense+ and in the fw are the same that i had in CIS 4.0, no one change ).

Let’s do some more testing. I want to see what happens when D+ is fully disabled. Go to Defense + → Advanced → Defense + Settings → now tick "Deactivate Defense+ permanently (Requires a system restart) " and reboot as requested.

Does the same thing happen?

Don’t forget to enable D+ again as CIS will not remind you every x minutes.

I did this trial: no changes: Avira doesn’t update and freezes after the first failed update.

We just ruled out D+ is involved.

Can you post a screenshot of the Firewall logs? They are under Firewall → Common Tasks → View Firewall Events.

At first, thank for your help. As i said, in my firewall log there is no one events about Avira updating trials. Only the rules for Avira that worked till 4.0 version. But now I have an idea. Where I live, is late, and tomorrow I have to wake up very soon :frowning: But I’ll do my trial and after I’ll post…

Thanks a lot.

Keep us posted.

So: installing CIS 4 versions I immediately disable the sandbox since I use GesWall, only to isolate my internet browsers. No problems with GesWall and CIS 3 and 4 versions. I thought that 4.1 version had a problem with GesWall, so before trying to install again 4.1 I disabled GesWall; but no change, I have again the problem with Avira.

I asked the other mods to come and take a look.