configuration file for Proxomitron?

Hello Geeks
could I trouble any of you guys to ask for a configuration file for Proxiomitron that does not block videos, sign in’s , and will block browser Identitiy, browser’s leakage, and talks only to the site intended ?

I have been trying to incurporate this app which got amazing capabilities, but some expert help or an oppenion from those familiar with it could make things real easy , I would appreciate any help in this matter

You might try asking at TUOPF (The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum). Also, search Yahoo Groups for a group called “prox-list”. You’ll have to join either to post.

A Million Thanks Jahn,
this should do some good, I see their forums got one for asking for configFiles,… awesome .

Posted by: Jahn Insert Quote You might try asking at TUOPF (The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum). Also, search Yahoo Groups for a group called "prox-list". You'll have to join either to post.

You’re welcome, PeaceWave. :slight_smile: