Computer Security Policy Exclusions

I can’t get Defense+ working properly on Windows XP.
What I’m trying to do: set an application custom policy to ask for everything. Then, when asked about an action (Protected COM Interfaces for example) if I click Allow, I would like that specific action added to Exclusions, so I will be asked again about other actions.
What happens: when I click Allow, all Customize policy Access Rights are set to Allow (like a Trusted application) and I’m not asked anything anymore.
I spent a lot of time reading manuals, forums, trying different settings, installing, reinstalling on different machines and everything seems to work OK, except policy exclusions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I can’t get Defense+ working properly on Windows XP. What I’m trying to do: set an application custom policy to ask for everything. Then, when asked about an action (Protected COM Interfaces for example) if I click Allow, I would like that specific action added to Exclusions, so I will be asked again about other actions. What happens: when I click Allow, all Customize policy Access Rights are set to Allow (like a Trusted application) and I’m not asked anything anymore. I spent a lot of time reading manuals, forums, trying different settings, installing, reinstalling on different machines and everything seems to work OK, except policy exclusions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello mikeb,

First in foremost; You’ll need to set Defense+ in Paranoid mode (CIS > defense+ > Defens+ Settings) ; then go to (Defense+ Settings > Create rules for safe application) make sure that is checked.

Once a alert comes up asking for Access to a Protected COM interface or another object you make sure that “remember my answer” is checked, and then it will be put into the Defense+ Computer Security Policy;

Did this help?


Thanks for the reply Jake.
Sorry, it’s not helping, because the created custom policy has all settings to Allow (like a Trusted application) and I’m not asked anything anymore.
What I need is to have the allowed action remembered and to be asked about any different action, and that is not happening.

Sorry mikeb that you are having difficulties,

When You are alerted, do you have “Allow this request”
or do you have “Treat this application as” bubbled in?


Thanks again Jake.

If I use “Treat this application as” then a predefined policy is assigned to that application,
but I need a custom policy, so I use “Allow this request”.

I can’t find “Custom policy mode”. Is this the exact setting name?

Custom Policy is a firewall mode. Right-click on the taskbar icon, mouse up to Firewall Security Level and set to Custom Policy.

I’m Sorry i was thinking of Firewall/ In Defense+ Its Paranoid Mode

Sorry for the mix up


The firewall is in Custom Policy mode and it’s working OK.
Defense+ is not working properly in any mode (I tried them all).


Thanks a lot for trying to help, but the time allotted for this project just expired. Maybe I’ll try again someday.

Happy New Year