comodo's servers

When you are installing comodo it asks if you want to use comodo’s servers. I declined but changed my mind later and could not find the tab to enable that feature, would I have to reinstall Comodo again to use their servers or where on the firewall can I find the tab?

Edit by EricJH: unbolded your post

Read here Free Comodo Secure DNS | Best DNS Security Solution 2022 if that’s does not help then post again here.

My issue is the opposite of that posed by Angelian.

When installing the new Comodo CIS version 4 yesterday I chose to opt for the Comodo servers. Not being certain about my decision I wish to revert to my previous arrangement but cannot see how that can be done.

I did a clean install by the way: downloaded the new version to my desktop and then uninstalled the old version. The new version (apart from the server issue) installed fine.

Take a look here and put whatever you prefer instead Comodo DNS servers.