comodo will not start!!

Ok. I have been using comodo dragon for along time now. all of a sudden I click too run it…nothing happens. I check the Task manager and viewed all proccesses. I start it up While looking at task manager, I see the process show, but 5-10 sec later it dissapears, I tried Re-installing Dragon twice now. I scanned for viruses with malwarebytes, cce, and hitman pro. they came up with nothing. I can make a video of this and post the link if you guys want.

Hi andrei1997,
It could very possibly be a corrupt user profile.
To create a new user profile in Comodo Dragon

Note: I find the easiest method to save my bookmarks is to export them to a HTML file then import from that file into the new user profile.
Edit: Disregard note, because you can’t export without Dragon opening.

I tried what the website did. didn’t do anything.

Did you mean that you could not find the user profile with the steps or creating a new user profile did not help?

Try running it direct from “C:\Program Files\COMODO\Dragon, Dragon.exe”, this should eliminate any shortcut errors.
Have you recently changed any Firewalls/Anti-Malware programs or configuration settings?

Does the same thing happen when making a USB installation? That way we can figure out if the problem is with your profile or that we need to look further.

I will look into that when I have the time.

Keep us posted. :-TU

I tried it. still same things happen. Now It’s all browsers do the same thing except for Ice dragon and safari. I need this problem fixed as fast as possible.

I have new problem with v21 Dragon; oldest version not problem - when installing v21+ program crash with err 0xc…417! v19 starting normally. System controled with CIS2012, but here installed Opera v12, FF Nightly 18, CoolNovo 2. System checking with Malware, Trojan - its clean! Help me, where is problem - v19 not, but v21 have it. THx

Is the problem typical for browsers or does it also affects other types of programs?

Please start your own topic. That way your problem will get the attention it deserves and this topics will not go astray.

I fixed it, It was the immunet antivirus. I had uninstalled it a while back and recently did a scan with Emsisoft Emergency toolkit. It detected and deleted the stuff on the Immunet quarantine and arfter that. Everything is working great.