Comodus and I have been thinking to create a Community channel which users from these forums may be able to chat, and initiate remote support with each other. What we need is the ability to have Ranks within the channel (Admin, Moderator, Community Member, Newbie)
We also realize that if we do that It might be interfeering with comodo’s Paid offer towards their Pro services.
The difference is however, We are just ordinary users and not the Comodo Experts
What do you think? I’d also be interested in a response from Melih.
Happy new year!
Yeah, I’m not too sure I’d want anyone on my system who is not a mod (maybe except for ganda ;D). I sometimes even don’t trust myself.
The thing with TeamViewer is that the person who is being connected too (connectee ^_^) can’t really control the connecter’s limits.
Example: the connecter is suppose to give a remote presentation to the connectee. But he really does “Remote support” and messes up the connectee’s system before the connectee realizes what is happening.
But why should people trust you Mods more than other members ??? You are not Comodo employees, but just ordinary forum members who are asked to be Mods by other Mods :-\ That doesn’t make you more trust worthy :-TD
I can only think of this: The Mod’s have basically have great power over the forums, Comodo / Admin’s Trust Us with this great power… and so a = b b=c a=c kind of situation, and that we mainly help other people, don’t get me wrong other people help too… it’s just the mods that usually help more…
Sorry m8, but we are also talking about Remote Support here. You should be qualified for that ! If a Mod gets rights on this Community Channel just because he is a Forum Mod we are finished talking. It would even be a reason for me to leave this community !
Oh, Well I’m sorry i misunderstood you…
You are right, I guess we could put in a rule that says “If You Know How, You Can Help”
But would we create another whole board for this? …
Some Mod’s Don’t Like This Idea Already (I’ve asked for this before)
Some Said
"I think that addressing member issues on the forum would prove more useful.
I prefer to post what to do in a topic so if useful anyone could do that themselves instead of having to do that myself countless of times."
if the remote box is somehow mixed up in something illegal (real, or imagined), do I want to spend time talking in a small room with a bunch of people who have no sense of humour? And, I can prove (given enough time and legal fees) that what is on said box, isn't my doing. If I can say 'yes' to that, then I'll work the problem, either hands-on the keyboard with a neighbor or coworker/cohort, or remotely. Otherwise, its guided, thru forum, email, phone, carrier pigeon, smoke signal, or whatever.
So, May we create a board or maybe a child board for this?..
Maybe Request For Those Who Are Wanting to be apart add something in their signature…
Thank you very much. Your support is very important to us (:CLP)
Anyone have some ideas on how we could sort this out ? Or maybe we need the EasyVPN feature - block contacts, kick someone out of the chat if a person doesn’t behave. 88)
For now I’ve created a network called;
Networkname= comodo_chat_and_support
Password= Comodo
Hopefully in the near future something could be worked out to give the ability of ranks and to kick\ban…
Just untill then we will have to cross our fingers and hope people don’t spam or cause problems
[ at ]Comodus. I like the way that IRC’s operate in terms of the kicking\banning\ranks etc etc
[ at ]Jacob. Yeah for sure things could be repeated countless times… But things are alot easier in certain situations just to physicaly geta hold of the pc and do the task for them.
Not sure if you’ve used things such as “Irc” bots? They can be fitted with commands to do things such as google searchers… respond to user commands…
For example a new user joins the channel and needs help; The bot would welcome the user
Bot: Hello, Welcome to Comodo_Chat_and_support. The rules can be found at
Bot: For a list of commands please type !commands
User: !commands
Bot: The command list is;
User: !comodo internet security
Then the list of subcat’s could continue and post links of the forums with the appropriate answer.
We would use the bot to refer FAQS That should hopefully kill all the repetitious questions.
I think moderators are given extra trust by Comodo as they have the possibility to administrate threads etc. If that’s the same as extra trust from members is another thing, which I won’t judge.
we can submit the found malware to Comodo for analysis
Contra :
It’s actually against Comodo itself
People need to be ‘trained’ for that, I mean, we can’t just start fixing someones computer if we’re just using tools like Norton scan or so, we need to make sure that the malware is 99% sure from the infected computer.
there is no way we can be sure that someone is actually not messing up someone elses computer
we WILL get a lot of requests
Who’s gonna moderate the moderators ?
I like the idea, but it’s the same as in this forum, we need clear rules and a lot of eXPerience before we can start cleaning up someones pc ( = cleaning up the forum from spam or such).
If you’re indeed behind this Melih, I think it would be neccesairy we get
more tools in VPN so we can make someone a mod or such, or at least giving them ranks
we need (another, sigh) workgroup
It would be nice to work with you guys (if of course you guys prefer not to (:m*))
IMHO the simple fact this initiative has been annunced on these forums provides no implied guarantee, whatever a member decides to do or whoever decides to trust pertain individual viewpoints.
The community channel is actually a LAN on VPN and basically if the Network name and password will be publicly posted, there is no way to prevent eventual malicious user to join this virtual LAN (even more if the announcement topic will be visible also to unregistered guest users) along with countless unaware users.
I wish luck to everybody involved and I invite them to reasonably address every aspect in order to provide a better service to all members.