COMODO V3 New Theme

Look Image!

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replace cfpres.dll File in the COMODO Firewall Install Directory(backup original)!

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“the WOW starts now” (c)

awesome work! (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP)

BTW i don’t know HOW did this happen, but this new theme completely fixed my UI glitches!

kenns2000, thanks for dll! It partially fixed my UI glitches :wink:

Comodo update overwrites it back to original!

of course it does, but you can always hack CFP again :-))

So this is the nod32 theme? Nice I like it but it would be nice to make it more like Nod32 than just the icons, keep up the good work. :SMLR

Actually it’s Windows Vista + NOD32 combined theme, but it would be great if it had a real NOD32 theme too… :-))))) too bad i don’t have skills to use graphics editors… i’d do my own if i could :-))

Looks Great but once I checked Updates it said there were and I download the updates restarted and back to original Theme

well, don’t update?)))) CFP is the only software i watch for updates on it’s support forums so i never miss the real update :-))))

Nice work. It looks great (:CLP)

The CPF is similar to the XP Theme DLL

Install StyleBuilder(No Free),StyleBuilder have a Free tool is a ResEdit.

Open cfpres.dll in ResEdit.

look the Temp Directory in StyleBuilder install Directory,
this is CFP pictures ,Change the pictures, and Save in ResEdit.
All right.

My English is very lousy.
Hope you to see understand.

very nice theme. :BNC It even loads faster the tabs then the previous one. Thank you!

Thanks, it works!

You can download ResEdit without install StyleBuilder:
Yo can download here

Hi Guys,
Please visit following post to create your own custom theme:

You don’t have to mess with cfpres.dll and nothing to worry about updater overriding your work :slight_smile:
Just to make a point about you see update available notification after you have modified cfpres.dll, updates in CFP are hash based, so if there is any change in client CFP binaries, update will trigger and client will get updated with latest binaries.
