Comodo V3 276 will not save settings

My firewall failed GRC Shields Up so searched through these topics and tried different settings. One thing that I noticed is that when I went into Firewall, Stealth Ports Wizard and selected Block all incoming connections, it reported that the firewall has been configured accordingly, yet it still failed. When I went back and checked the settings they had not taken effect.

I have uninstalled, deleted remnants of Comodo etc., rebooted, reinstalled, reset and rebooted but to no avail. It fails the shield test!

Any ideas of what I need to change to make it effective?

Further information.

Used manual uninstall, scoured the registry for ‘comodo’, deleted, rebooted, reinstalled and still failed ‘Shields Up’. Went through the uninstall procedure again and installed version 2.4 rebooted and received a blue screen with a warning about recent installation of a program.

Had to use image recovery to get back up and running. Much to my annoyance it had the V3 on it and it still will not save settings consequently ‘Shields Up’ reports ‘failed test’.

I realise that all machines are unique and it is very difficult to pinpoint the problem short of formatting the disk but maybe someone can come up with a solution otherwise I’ll need to change to anoter firewall. Interestingly 2.4 V passed ‘Shields Up’.

If I uninstall V3 and don’t touch the registry will the registry settings affect V2.4 ? If I have to I’ll try it but I don’t want to run another image recovery.

Further comment.

Used manual uninstall but the icon was still in the task bar after reboot and the program was active, so then uninstalled through Windows and it appeared to have worked. Reinstalled V3 and again it would not save the settings, a…h!

Went back to V 2.4 as it loads up a lot quicker on my machine.

I have a spare disk so I’ll start from scratch and see if V3 works on it, as reformatting my current disk is just out of the question.

I’m having the same problem with that same setting not being saved and partly failing Shields Up. Everything passed except the ping test. This is the message I got:

Solicited TCP Packets: PASSED — No TCP packets were received from your system as a direct result of our attempts to elicit some response from any of the ports listed below — they are all either fully stealthed or blocked by your ISP. However . . .

Unsolicited Packets: PASSED — No Internet packets of any sort were received from your system as a side-effect of our attempts to elicit some response from any of the ports listed above. Some questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to “counter-probe the prober”, thus revealing themselves. But your system remained wisely silent. (Except for the fact that not all of its ports are completely stealthed as shown below.)

Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since “Ping” is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.

Maybe you can try to manually add the icmp echo rule on top of the block all by going into firewall>advanced>network security policy>global rules then add a “block icmp in from IP any to IP any where icmp message is echo request” rule (see attached), maybe that would work.

I don’t know whether the global block IP any to IP any would stop a ping, but I noticed that if you use the block all stealth option, it just uses the block ip any to ip any while using a per basis rule just leaves you with a block icmp echo request.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks for the reply Oriour. I tried your suggestions but they didn’t work. I checked my routers firewall and an option for discarding pings was checked. Checked my dsl modem next and there wasn’t any options concerning pings so I tried enabling IP Passthrough on the dsl modem to let the routers firewall handle it. It worked. Now I pass every test on the Shields Up website.

markone, CFP is actually saving the settings to where Oriour suggested making changes. The Stealth Ports Wizard defaults back to the first option when you open it again. The problem with me failing the Shields Up test was because my dsl modem was responding to ping requests. Maybe you have a similar problem with settings in your router and/or modem.

That certainly answers my quandary. It would be nice if CFP remained at the last user imposed change.

I’m using D Link DSL-502T modem/router. I’ve checked Ping from External Network but it did not help.

Being a novice with the hardware I cannot see what else needs changing to ensure that my computer passes Shields Up.

I was finally able to block the ping requests with my new modem/router and am pleased to say that I have passed all the Sheilds Up tests also. :BNC

Although I must say that buying a new router just to pass the test is a true sign of being paranoid.

Ignorance is bliss. (:WIN)