Comodo Toolbar?

Hi, When I click on comodo toolbar tabs it works on IE7 but not firefox, How do I get it to work there?

Works fine here. Are you using the latest version of Firefox? (v3.0.3).

Maybe a reinstall is also necessary.


No I am using 2.0.17, I had to revert back to this version because when I printed from firefox3. it came out all gibberish, but it prints fine with older version!!!
Shouldnt Comodo work on any version? Thanks

There is a new Comodo Toolbar in development, Which is in beta now which currently only supports IE. In the future, It will support Firefox and other browsers, and will replace the current toolbar in CFP 3.

I don’t have any news for a final version though. All I can remember is I kept re-installing SafeSurf from Add/Remove and starting Firefox until the toolbar was there.


ok Thanks, very thing I have the toolbar on firefox but when I go to the drop down arrow next to the word COMODO and click on any of the subjects, nothing works except “ask toolbar version” all the others I get nothing when clicked on?

Must be a bug or a glitch. You can also see the new toolbar here.

Only supports IE though. Looks alot nicer though. (:KWL)
