COMODO Time Machine 2.9.161985.187 BETA released

Does this beta fix the defrag issue?

People said that if I defrag the size increases

Hi christarzan,
We don’t recommend using the defrag tool after installed CTM. Because the CTM manage disk space by itself.

Best regards

I am not talking about defraging the CTM space, I am talking about defragging my Hard Disk

The Last time I checked, my HD is 30% Fragmented

I wish I could atleast run a Defraggler

Why don’t you introduce a Pause feature?

So I can Pause it, and do a defrag and Play is again

Your hard disk free space IS exactly the CTM space.

Defragment before installing CTM.

Hmmm… I can’t think it is even possible… Do you understand the technology?
If you pause, to which snapshot will belong the changed files?
For CTM, defragmentation does a huge change in the disk surface, generating huge snapshots. So, the strong advice to NOT defragment with CTM installed.


I understand the technology but the reason I keep on asking the same questions is because I am really feeling down because I can’t test Defraggler 2 Beta and I won’t be able to run my favorite boot time defrag Puran 88)

I wish there was any loophole

Uninstall CTM.
Use both Defraggler and Puran at boot time.
Install CTM again.

Defragmentation is not a tool to be run every day… believe me… you just lose performance, time and energy doing so :slight_smile:

any idea when this will be released from beta

Long time no posts. Is CTM still under development? When can we expect new stable release?

Apparently, not.

I’ve lost my hope that I’ll ever see my beloved CTM working with my Corsair F80. :cry:

We all have lost it :cry:

Well done comodo with CTM 2.9. This is can be launched as stable version.

Valentin N

Well I had to restore to a snapshot earlier the same day with mine on a Vista x32 laptop two days ago and it took well over an hour. Yesterday I had to delete about 5 snapshots as it ran out of space with only 8 snapshots altogether. That increased the free space from 560MB to over 20GB.

i decided to install CTM 2.9b becuause many people says its very stable
just after install i noticed it created a the file c:\privatedata\CTMPool.dat of 572mb, and in normal conditions i have no access to read it.
anyone can tell me what it is?
it took my attention because its somehow a huge file

May that be info that CTM uses? Mine is 703 500 kb

Valentin N

It’s related to the Baseline and the boot-up console.

Where is the final version of the CTM?

It’s been a while since I am awaiting the release.

Hey Jake

of what I understand comodo is awaiting themselves from Microsoft what features windows 8 will have regarding restore sector and it seems that the restore sector will have similar features like CTM.

Valentin N

it would be amazing if CTM recieved the gui upgrade in version 3 like the other comodo products (cis, cb, csc, and cpm)

how knows maybe they will upgrade the gui since it is now being developed again