Comodo System Cleaner = BSOD :(

Comodo system cleaner caused a BSOD twice. I removed it and used TuneUp Utilities and it did a far better job… Needs to be fixed


Please provide us with more information:

  • Version of COMODO System Cleaner
  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
  • Security Software Installed;
  • How you produced the problem;

and please check this location %windir%\Minidump for the dump created after the BSOD.

Thank you.


Please provide us with more information:

  • Version of COMODO System Cleaner
  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
  • Security Software Installed;
  • How you produced the problem;

and please check this location %windir%\Minidump for the dump created after the BSOD.

Thank you.

Im using the latest version which ever one it is at Im not sure of the #, Windows XP Professional 32 Bit with Microsoft Security Essential, Windows Firewall, SuperAntiSpyware, and Malwarebytes, I installed it and after installation a BSOD popped up with one of Comodo’s system cleaner drivers and my computer wouldn’t boot.


Have you checked %windir%\Minidump for any dumps? Thank you.