COMODO System-Cleaner 3.0 build 53 Public Release


We are happy to announce that Comodo System-Cleaner 3.0 build 53 has been released to the public.
This update contains some improvements and some fixed issues.

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We made some inprovements to the GUI: Active Clean button is more intuitive, the default profile is shown for each module.

Active Clean
Active Clean works fine on all modules now, and the neggative errors bug is now fixed

Thanks to our translators we improved current translations and added Swedish, French, Chinese ( Simplified ), Slovenian, German


negative errors bug
compatibility problems with applications that perform boot time defrag
Active Clean bugs
Safe Delete bugs
Custom profile bugs
Cleaner_Validator service taking a lot of CPU durring login
other minor GUI bugs reported by users


Compatibility problems on some systems with G Data Internet Security 2011


Please use Bug Reports Thread to report your bugs. Our moderators collect these bugs and submit them to the devs.


Setup for Windows XP 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Server 2003 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Server 2008 32-bit/64-bit:

Size : 10.0 MB (10,577,152 bytes)
MD5 : 5739b9628a9c563be3cd06ed6245bfd6
SHA1 : ac7c4212e8031b80d09b60c7ad3b3e3c69ef572b

Why is Estonian language not updated? :-\;msg455773#msg455773

Congratulations with the new release. :-TU

Thank you!

Thanks to our translators we improved current translations and added Swedish, French, Chinese ( Simplified ), Slovenian, German”

And Polish :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, my mystake. And Polish of couse.


  I was sure that I've updated Estonian language. I'll look into that.
  We'll make another update if necessary.

good work guys!

Thanks Melih :slight_smile:

Nice work :-TU

Where is the portable version? Are we not even going to bother?


  The portable version will be available in CSC 3.1. It requires a lot more work than 2.2 version because CSC 3.0 is based on instant scan and active clean, and this operations are performed with the help of a system driver. We can't have drivers in the portable version ...

CSC 3.0 is using really old Estonian translation…

A spontaneous solution: what if you don’t include the active clean. would it be possible to make a portable verison of CSC 3?



    CSC 3.0 version is entirely based on instant scan. This is done  with the help of a driver.
    We can't afford to make improvisations just to have a portable version, we want to make it as good as possible.

Hey Razvan,

Thanks for your answer and keep up the good work. I have noticed that the cpu load is still the same (for about 50%) but it doesn’t last as long as the previous one did. Well done! :slight_smile:

:-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU


And Russian too… Обидно, блин, я так старалась :-\

Thanks for update :-TU. I like this program :ilovecomodo:

Насть, не расстраивайся, будем верить, что недочет исправят, и твои старания были не напрасны (:WIN)

Pls clarify what does “Active clean” setting exactly do: just monitor registry/filesystem to speed-up future manual scans OR performs automatic clean-up of registry/filesystem. If latter then what profile is used for “Active clean”: fast or medium or aggressive?

In order for “Active clean” to operate is it necessary for CSC executable to be running or “Active clean” is in fact performed by CSC service/drivers ?

Pls prevent CSC installer to schedule an update job for CSC automatically during installation of CSC – leave it for a user to decide, pls.

If i understand correctly two CSC drivers CFRMD and CFRPD are used only for “safe deletion” feature of CSC.
If so can U rethink design: currently these drivers are set to “System” start-up during installation of CSC and turning on/off “safe deletion” option under settings of CSC has no effect on their start-up type.
It would be more preferable if turning ON “safe deletion” option under settings of CSC would put these drivers to “System” type of start-up, and turning OFF “safe deletion” option would put these drivers to “Manual” type of start-up →
If safe deletion feature of CSC is not used on definite system, then why have two more actively running drivers on that system?


   The Active Clean feature performs automatic clean-up of registry/filesystem. The profiles used for Active Clean are the default ones. You can change the default profile, and even create a custom profile and set it to be the default one. 

Once active clean is activated, the clean is performed automatically, even when CSC GUI is closed. The files/registries are deleted only after the application that created them no longer needs them, so they are junk.

About the drivers : one of them is used for safe delete, and one is used for instant stan and active clean.
Both drivers are designed in such a way as they do not slow down your computer performance at all.

Is Safe Delete supposed to reboot to complete the delete process as it does in v2.2? I had trouble with build 37. I was never prompted for reboot (as I was expecting).