COMODO System Cleaner 2.0.101929.1 BETA Released!

Thanks for the info, sounds great!

I guess the above post from Razvan Raschitor answers your question. Actually, just for fun, I deleted these 3000 entries and rebooted. My machine didn’t boot any more. ;D It used the “last known good configuration” though, so I could enter Windows. However it was so messed up anyway so I reinstalled Windows.

Anyway, I think the concept of malicious entries in CRC is a very good thing. Once successfully implemented it’ll be useful for those who are infected or was infected earlier and have to clean up the system.

as LeoniAquila pointed out, this was for an alpha version we shared with Mods. Doesn’t relate to this beta release.


I installed CSC 2 beta and let the registry cleaner run without scanning the malicious entries. This time my system survived the reboot gracefully.

On a side note. It is pretty cool with Vista and Win 7 you can start system restore from the installation CD in order to let Windows drag its self out of the water by its own hair,

Congratulations on the new version! :-TU

Now install it and test it works.

thanks. :wink:

Really need portable version as 1.x version has.

It’s only in beta now, so perhaps they will make one when it’s stable.
