COMODO System Cleaner 1.1.64945.37 released!

When will it be redy for windows 7?

The moment windows 7 will get public I think like 2 weeks later we"ll have the first CSC version :wink:


Just tried this link this morning and was able to download.

How does the option “check for updates when application starts”, work? Will it notify about an available update and give an option to update from within CSC, or would I have to update it manually after the notification of the availability? If the option is unticked and I check for updates manually with CSC, will it allow me to update automatically?

If you enabled that option, the updater starts before CSC opens. You will see a window saying it is checking for updates. If there is one, you can click a button to update from that window.


I notice that CSC leaves a log file;


First I run CCleaner, then CSC full scan, then CCleaner again. CCleaner then finds this file.

Is the content of the system32\wbem folder essential to CSC? Once in a while when I slimmed down my Windows XP SP3 I always deleted this folder. Now I’ve kept it though but I don’t know why I would need it.

CSC doesn’t keep any log in system32\wbem\Logs location.In operating systems earlier than Windows Vista, the WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) Service maintains text log files.The Wbemcore.log file contains trace messages generated by the WMI service.

Thanks for your support!

Hi, thanks for the confirmation, although I notice all the time that CCleaner finds this log file just the second after I’ve cleaned with CSC… strange. I’ll look into the log files later. Thanks again.