COMODO System Cleaner 1.0.60093.19 BUG Reports


This cannot be a feature because will not allow to install or uninstall any programs on a limited account. We will study the possibility to implement something like this but we can’t guarantee any success.

Thank you for your support.

I don’t know if this can be considered a BUG but it seems that CRC and registry cleaner included in CSC provided different results. With CSC registry cleaner I got more ‘unsafe to delete’ entries than with CRC (+ 16 unsafe entries) and I got about 250 entries from the ‘Comodo Firewall Pro Configurations’ (CRC don’t find these entries). I don’t think I should delete any of them.

I know that ‘Comodo Firewall Pro Configurations’ entries was already mentioned here, but I don’t know if the comparison with CRC was made too. I suppose both registry cleaner engines (in CRC and CSC) are the same.

Best regards and (V)