Comodo Staff Impersonation, On another forum.

^ Please check here… I forgot my Wilders password so I cannot pm this guy and I’m not in the position at the moment to request a lost password.

His name is demoneye and he is using the “Staff Comodo” logo used in this forum. Although I think Kyle is right, I would like to have conformation from a Comodo Staff member that demoneye is lying, before I pm a Wilders Admin about this.

Greetz, Red.

I remember him from a long while ago. He used to have a sandboxie and then a demon picture.

I’ll report this thread to the moderators so that it grabs their attention.

Just checked.
As of now i don’t see comodo-staff picture being used by that user.


Good job, (CNY) mr demoneye :smiley: