Comodo Slowing PC

My PC was running really slow and hanging. I used to run Zone Alarm Free and BOClean. I read some posts saying CFP was much better protection so decided to give it a try. All was well for a couple of weeks and then internet and email opening would hang and take forever to open. Last program installed was CFP. I uninstalled and tried going back to Zone Alarm Free. The d/l was fine but got errors on the install, could not find some dll file and True Vector could not start. I tried the install from ZA, Major Geeks, Bleeping Computer and one other that I do not remember. I was thinking I got a bad d/l at first, but then after so many attempts, there was something else going on> I turned off the computer after enabling the Windows Firewall. I though it over for a day and tried again with same results. I know not to go without Security so I reinstalled CFP. Slow and hanging again. I uninstalled BOClean which had worked fine for a couple of months. Everything went back to normal again. My question is why could I not reinstall ZA, and what happened to BOClean that caused it to start having issues?

Cable connection
WinXPPro SP2
No custom rules
BOClean up to date as of 6/07/07
Also run Process Guard, A-squared, NOD32, WinPatrol, CounterSpy, Firefox.
No new installs since Comodo products. ???

Highly recommended: ** FAQs/Threads - Read Me First **:

[b]Version 2.4 - cpf.exe and High CPU[/b],6819.0.html,6933.0.html,6943.0.html

Version 2.4 - cmdagent.exe and High CPU,5499.0.html,5972.0.html,6160.0.html

Don’t you mean

Yes, that is what I meant. So much for proof reading! Thanks for the links. I will check them out. It was actually BOClean causing the issue I think.

Now that you mention it, I wonder if it was BOClean causing an issue on my brother’s computer last night: screen went black and froze. Well, that would be another topic for the CBAM board.

I have to admit that anything is possible but I did follow your suggestions regarding turning off Monitoring DLL injections. I am no longer having issues since BOClean was uninstalled, but maybe it was the reinstall of CFP that cleared out the logs. It has only been 2 days. I am confused as to why something is included that uses 100% CPU, but I am not a programmer. Just a nobody trying to figure out some issues.

I read over Kevin’s explanation that he recommends to stick with CBAM 4.22 for now. That would explain some things. As far as CFP 2.4 goes with cpu issues, version 3 alpha seems to have this covered from what I’ve gathered in the Beta Corner.

I will keep watching and wait for the posts on 4.24 before trying it again. It could be incompatibility with other programs. I left a few out of the list. IESPYAD, Spywaregaurd, SpywareBlaster, and Trojan Remover.