Comodo secure Shopping - Dragon Does not open

I have windows 10 and I use comodo Secure shopping (ver 1.3473628.151) as my browser when I am ordering on the net. There 3 browsers within the Secure Shopping (chrome, dragon and ice dragon). when I click on dragon I get the following message:

C:\programs files (x86)\comodo\dragon\dragon.exe

the application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.

How do I fix problem and use this tool. I also use comodo ice dragon and it is working fine.

Hi, Grail !

Thank you for your feedback !

Can you please tell us if the browser is working outside Secure Shopping? And if the problem persists if you install the x64 bit version of the browser?

Comodo Browser Team

I checked with Belarc Advisor and it gave me the following:

Comodo - Dragon version (64-bit)
Comodo - Dragon version 72.0.3626.81 (64-bit)
Comodo - IceDragon version 64.0.4 (32/64-bit)

please note I use dragon and ice dragon for programming when using programming languages such apache.

Dragon does not open outside of securing shopping

Hi Grail!

Thank you for your feedback!

Can you tell me why is Dragon not opening outside Secure Shopping? What error does it throw? Can you tell us the steps you made when this happened?

Comodo Browser Team

I have windows 10 and just download comodo secure shopping and reinstalled it on Sept 9, 2019. When I try to open dragon inside comodo secure shopping it gives me the following message:

C:\Programs Files\Comodo\Dragon\Dragon.exe
the application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. please see application event log or use command-line systrace.exe tool for more details. "

I also do not see anything for secure shopping in Comodo Internet Security the free version. How do I fix this. I have google chrome and it works fine in comodo secure shopping but there is no reference in comodo internet security for securing shopping, nor google chrome or dragon. It also gives me the same message when I click on Dragon outside of Comodo Secure Shopping.

Hello Grail, most probably ur Comodo Dragon files must have been corrupted, can u please try reinstalling it to the latest version 76.0.3809.132, and the selecting it as ur default browser, when u open comodo secure shopping, it should open Dragon automatically

thanks reinstalled dragon version 76.03809.132 and secure shopping version 1.3.50284.151 they are working. But I have question should secure shopping appear in the comodo internet security version 12.0.06818 under the settings, advanced protection. There is nothing there for it. I only see secure shopping under the Tasks. I use windows 10.

Hello again Grail, Comodo Internet security treats all programs as 3’rd party program including Dragon and Secure Shopping, in case one of the programs for security reasons, Secure Shopping is a standalone program that let’s u connect on one of our secure servers and creates a secure machine for you, that is why you will not find any settings in the Comodo Internet security for Secure Shopping, they are basically 2 different programs