I Agree completely.Been using comodo dns for 2 months never blocked anything.I tested it with phishing sites from phish tank (i only care for phising because comodo is blocks jdb and exploit packs) NEVER blocked anything.I really think that comodo must work more in secure dns.
It’s true Secure DNS hasn’t had much data online to block for protection in the past. However this has changed. As of this past week Secure DNS has been populating our content databases thanks to some technical advances that we had to overcome. Please try it out now, give me your feedback. I’m also soon to request some beta testers with technical skills to work with my team to get feedback on the blocking ability and user experience. If anyone wants to be a part of this program please PM me with some details about your ability to scan or diagnose issues. We look forward to having the full protection suite and content filtering features online very soon for public consumption.
I just set up the Secure DNS settings in my router, lets see how well it does in terms of speed and uptime!
Previously when I used Secure DNS the connection to the DNS would sometimes slow down and often even shut down for a few minutes, changing back to my ISP default DNS fixed that issue.
I live in Sweden so that might be the problem, so my question is: Do you have any servers in Sweden or close to Sweden? That would be awesome.
Right now I’m using: and both of which are based in the US which makes me assume that whenever I’m doing a DNS lookup I have to send that request all the way to the US which takes longer time than sending it to a server within EU or preferably Sweden.
Another question I have is: Do you save logs? Meaning, could you see what I’ve been requesting? Or consequentially could a government get that log through a court decision, that is if it exists.
We do not have a large deployment yet, our nearest site to you is in the UK. BTW we have implemented an anycast network, so regardless of where you are your packets are routed to our nearest servers. This is to give you the best opportunity for a fast DNS resolution. We do have plans for further deployment in europe so that will help you greatly.
I don’t use it simply because my ISP’s DNS is faster. My default browser is IE9 and it’s Smart Screen Filter does a very good job of blocking bad sites.
THIS THIS THIS! Well I mostly mean the third point but THIS! I want to be able to continue to the website unhindered but I would still like a heads-up.
What I want to be able to configure SecureDNS to be: That guy that leans against a wall all relax and sees you heading down the street and casually says “It’s hell down there.” then doesn’t say another word.
What I got: “HALT! … Sorry sir, you can’t pass through here, you’ll have to turn around.”
Edit: Actually now when I think about it I think there’s something shady about that guy leaning against the wall… does anyone know who he is? Iunno, I just feel… eerie… when looking at him. I don’t trust that guy one bit, lets head back before something happens…
As much as I love Comodo products this is one service I don’t use
I always connect to the web via a VPN and generally use my VPN providers DNS (openVPN not PPTP which is less secure) the service I use is a non logging provider - no logs = no logs to hand over even if “persuaded”
I know this is a trust issue between me the end user and the VPN provider this is why a reputable provider is essential.
In the past I have used this app to simplify changing the DNS it also has a handy button for flushing DNS without opening a CMD prompt and you can add your own DNS addresses to the .ini file which is pretty handy http://sordum.xoomsite.com/4573/dns-jumper-v1-0-4/
Yeah I’m using a VPN too, though I do use PPTP, I’ve always had bad luck with OpenVPN as in things not working. And so far I haven’t found anyone who got their encrypted PPTP traffic broken into (If you do then please link) Or perhaps you meant less secure in a disconnection way, for which I use VPNCheck Pro.
I don’t really find it troublesome to flush the dns with the cmd, just press win key and type cmd then enter and then ipconfig /flushdns … not that time consuming =/ But then again I tunnel most of my traffic through my VPN and also have it to auto-start with my computer and never connect outside my VPN.
Yeah I'm using a VPN too, though I do use PPTP, I've always had bad luck with OpenVPN as in things not working. And so far I haven't found anyone who got their encrypted PPTP traffic broken into (If you do then please link) Or perhaps you meant less secure in a disconnection way, for which I use VPNCheck Pro.
I don't really find it troublesome to flush the dns with the cmd, just press win key and type cmd then enter and then ipconfig /flushdns .. not that time consuming =/ But then again I tunnel most of my traffic through my VPN and also have it to auto-start with my computer and never connect outside my VPN
I do like the fact that a simple .bat file can force PPTP to start with windows, unfortunately you can’t do this with openVPN.
OpenVPN has just released it’s most recent stable version 2.3.0, it now has full IPv6 support as well as internal improvements and added features, maybe worth a look at again ?
PPTP is definitely vulnerable to attack, it comes down to vulnerabilities in DES https://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9229757/Tools_released_at_Defcon_can_■■■■■_widely_used_PPTP_encryption_in_under_a_day
iAgree t’s no effort to open a CMD prompt I know but I think DNS jumper is a handy little tool, it’s got everything you need in one place
Oh wow, Will have to switch from PPTP to OpenVPN as soon as possible then. (The only problem is that I don't have any money at the moment ^^'')
Haha :o
A good service can be really reasonable
I pay 5 Euro a mth for a quality service, same download speeds and ping as my ISP and the server is located in Sweden so you could probably get better speeds than me
What service are you using? Myself I use Anonine, it too gives me speeds close to my ISP however that was with PPTP, we’ll see with OpenVPN. (I have 100/10 mb/s connection)
Edit: I just realized that this is rather off topic so lets continue over PM, sorry for the mess ^^‘’