Comodo saved my butt again

After some weeks of quiet Comodo Personal Firewall warn me about a file (ykvm1.exe) wich is trying to connect itself to Internet. This file was found in C:\Windows\Temp and cleared immediately after. I’ve also scanned HKLM key in registry with the software REGDELNULL and cleared some strange empty keys from it; now registry seems to be clear, but in the life the only sure thing we have is the death.

So I have two question to make:

  1. when a stable NEW version of the personal firewall will be released (i’m using v2.3.2.21 beta) so I can get update automatically?

  2. will Comodo release an antispyware/antihacking software? I’m thinking that Spybot and AdAware doesn’t work so well than claimed by their software houses.

Bye all (:CLP)

HI Mauro C,

The answer to your first question is no. If I am not mistaken, the beta version does not have an auto-updater. You will have to download and re-install the new stable version of Comodo which will be out some time this week, hopefully.

As for your second question, CAVS stands for Comodo Anti-Virus & Spyware. Therefore, yes, Comodo is releasing a anti-spyware program. AS for the anti-hacking program, I am not too sure about it. However, Melih did mention of trying to include Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) in CAVS. I think that could also tantamount to a anti-hacking software, though I might be wrong.

Yours truly,

I think the next version will be released in less than 2 weeks, I asked this question too yesterday. :slight_smile:

An indipendent solution without antivirus should be the better choice for those (me included) who has an antivirus program already installed and don’t want to install a new one.

Mauro C,

I agree that an idependent solution to spyware would be a better choice for some people. You could try to put that in the wishlist under the CAVS if you like. However, I think having CAVS alone would save some resources for Comodo. A solution for people like you would be to install CAVS but don’t turn on the active monitoring. Run CAVS when you want to do scans and this will detect the spywares. However, please not that the spyware definitions in CAVS is not very robust yet as it is still under development.

Yours truly,

I will wait for updates about CAVS; when this solution will be more strong and affidable I will take in in consideration (R)


The next (and final) beta CPF should be out Thursday. A stable version of this should be about two weeks or less.
