Comodo sandboxing trusted applications [Issue Report]

The bug/issue

  1. What you did: I shut down my laptop and powered it back up.
  2. What actually happened or you actually saw: Comodo sandboxed three trusted applications. Comodo system tray icon was not there for several minutes.
  3. What you expected to happen or see:
  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened: I clicked “Don’t isolate again”
  5. If its an application compatibility problem have you tried the application fixes here?:
  6. Details & exact version of any application (execpt CIS) involved with download link: mmc.exe using lusrmgr.msc (part of Windows), ssc_serv.exe v4.3 and hidfind.exe v1.1.0.23
  7. Whether you can make the problem happen again, and if so exact steps to make it happen: Shut down and restart laptop. Problem will occur after logging into Windows.
  8. Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons):

Files appended. (Please zip unless screenshots).

  1. Screenshots illustrating the bug: Screenshots are attached.
  2. Screenshots of related CIS event logs and the Defense+ Active Processes List:
  3. A CIS config report or file. Comodo Config file attached
  4. Crash or freeze dump file:
  5. Screenshot of More~About page. Can be used instead of typed product and AV database version.

Your set-up

  1. CIS version, AV database version & configuration used: 5.5.195786.1383. Proactive Security
  2. a) Have you updated (without uninstall) from CIS 3 or 4: No
    b) if so, have you tried a clean reinstall (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
  3. a) Have you imported a config from a previous version of CIS: No
    b) if so, have U tried a standard config (without losing settings - if not please do)?:
  4. Have you made any other major changes to the default config? (eg ticked ‘block all unknown requests’, other egs here.): No
  5. Defense+, Sandbox, Firewall & AV security levels: D+= Safe Mode, Sandbox= Treat Unknown As Partially Limited , Firewall = Safe Mode, AV = n/a
  6. OS version, service pack, number of bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows XP SP3 32-bit; restricted account but happens on administrator too.
  7. Other security and utility software installed: Avast Antivirus and Secunia PSI 2.0
  8. Virtual machine used (Please do NOT use Virtual box): No

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I’m having this same problem, with just one app: dropbox.exe.

I checked the event log and dropbox.exe apparently changed a key, and then was sandboxed. I’m not sure this matters, but I was curious as to why it was segregated.

This is a bug report topic. Please start a topic for help in Defense+ / Sandbox Help - CIS.

Thank you for your Issue report.

Moved to verified.

Thank you
