Comodo Programs Manager��-cpm/comodo-programs-manager-ga-release-t59431.0.html


The link comes up ‘404’ Melih.

I fixed it.

Thank you.

Installed it yesterday (following another discussion), xp sp3 pro, only file and process protection by avira free (of course does not react) and cis v3 (proactive, firewall custom, defense+ paranoid); cis of course reacts but is allowed.

crashes (itself, not windows) as soon as it is launched, and therefore unusable.
The 2 windows crash events are as follows:

msi.installer: "Product: Comodo Programs Manager–[ErrorText_1707]

cpm.exe: application cpm.exe, version, module updateapplications.dll, version,
adress 0x000098ea.

One also wonders why the installer asks for at least 2 http connexions during its initial stage.

No one can, in these conditions, advise for a program seeming to not even have passed the beta stage.


im running vista 64 bit and have not had these problems maybe its just XP reacting

Oh well, I’ll wait for an update. Installed CPM and it rebooted the PC without even asking me, so no chance to close/save anything.
After reboot, couldn’t connect to the internet. Uninstalled and had to reboot again!

A quick look through what was shown by CPM was interesting - things that I hadn’t known about, although nothing nasty or unexpected.

I had exactly the same experience only I thought that the repeated crashing may have been due to the fact that I denied the program internet access as I do with all new programs when they attempt to phone home just after being installed on my Win 7 x64 computer.


I installed it 3 times ,it starts then crashes.Any ideas?
Running windows 7 64 bit

Hi jimbomay,

If you are using Build 30, it has a lot of problems so if i were you i would wait, because there will be a new release on the 2º February. That release will bring a major feature and bug fixes.
Here is the link

Hi Peter5
Thanks for the info,looking forward to it.
According to utube review it s an excellent product.
Once again ,thanks