comodo programs manager has stopped working

All I get is the above message. Repeatidly.

My system is an MSI U230. AMD 64 bit.
Windows 7 64 bit fully up to date.

I downloaded the version currently available today JAN 22 and installed it.

I re-booted but this didn’t help.

What should I do to troubleshoot/fix this problem?

Steve …

There is a new release scheduled for feb 2nd. Try waiting for that to see if your problem gets fixed

There is also a new feature that is going to be added with that release.

I had the same problem. I installed for the first time today and CPM crashed every time whilst calculating Windows updates.

I disabled Windows Update, ran CPM–it didn’t crash–re-enabled Win update and CPM works fine now.

Win7x64, CPM 1.0 build 30

You can check ‘Check for Beta availability’ option from ‘Settings’ tab for upgrading to the last beta available.
Or you can just download the build from here. It comes with many fixes.
Thank you.

The linked 1.2 install worked a couple of times until I launched it yesterday; it crashed during its calculating

I installed 1.2 release (106) and it runs fine; however, I lost all monitored data and backups, leaving about half of my 204 installations not monitored.

Did you by any chance uninstall the previous one version before installing build 106?

I honestly don’t remember but I believe I did, which likely removed my data (haha, the one time I’d want an uninstall to leave stuff behind!).