COMODO Programs Manager 1.0 build 30 Public Release

We are happy to announce that COMODO Programs Manager 1.0 build 30 Public Release is available for download.

What’s fixed:

-Fixed monitoring issues
-Issue with selecting multiple applications for uninstall which are partially uninstalled
-Small GUI issues

Known Issues:

  1. Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine using “Comodo uninstall” option might cause problems on Windows 7
  2. Issue with playing flash RSS feed on 64 bit systems , mostly because there is no Flash Player on x64 available yet.
  3. Certain programs are monitored only when installed with CPM shell extension option

Bug Reports:

Please use COMODO Programs Manager 1.0 build 30 Public Release BUG REPORTS to report your bugs. Our moderators collect these bugs and submit them to the devs.

Download Locations:

Setup for Windows XP 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit:

Size: 8.27 MB (8,680,416 bytes)
MD5: 0e1add54f01763d5c71b293670e3f42b
SHA1: bf582627bdacf6e88e47ca1d831bded96ebc0eb0

Monitoring is working now. Well done!

Congratulations on the release (and update) of CPM :-TU.


yup works now, :smiley:

When did you release CPM into other languages as example german

comodo is becoming the best security and utility company out there. It’s only a matter of building up public goodwill now .

Great job with this release !!! :slight_smile:

I like the speed in which the bugs were fixed released…keep up the good work!

I must admit, bugs are being fixed at awesome speed!
I will give it a shot…

This new software seems to be another awesome one ;D
Mainly the monitoring during installation is one of my favorites ! Let’s get tried O0

Thanks Comodo

just finished installing an so far I like what I see

I makes CPM a bit redundant if when you want to uninstall something you have to uninstall 9 other apps with it.


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What application did you use to get those dependencies? Dis you use a single installer or more than one? If you used more, what was the order you used?

Thank you,


I just installed Sony Media Go with the one installer, Media Go - Sony Network Entertainment.
It installs Quicktime etc with the program.

Its the same with products like that come with a tool bar. To uninstall the tool bar you have to uninstall the program to.


what the … >:-D

even a COMODO-maniac like me didn’t know about this
why is it not listed on comodo’s home page?


is it still a beta???

all the same to me, comodo’s betas are much safer than some Shylocks stable releases,


nope programs manager version 1 is not beta. but they do have a beta version 1.1
i dont know why they havent added it to the main site i have asked the same question and never got an answer.
they do have a site for the program