Comodo Personal Firewall, Excellent

I just wanted to post my sincere congratulations on such an excellent product you have made in your Personal firewall.

Someone today on a Tech forum i go to when i asked for a good Firewall to try out suggested yours to me.

I had in the past tried Outpost Pro, ZoneAlarm Pro and Looknstop, Mcafee (both Personal Plus and Desktop Firewall Plus) and Symentec. And have since removed them all because of varying reasons.

I treid yours today after the suggestion i received and mainly out of curiousity because i had honestly never even heard of it before. But i have to say for the four hours i have been using it i am completely blown away by the shear excellence of it and the features you offer.

I quite honestly think this firewall you have created is simply amazing. And by far the best i have yet tried. It amazes me even further that it is currently free.

The only two suggestions/improvements i can think after my initial test are:

  1. For it to recognise and automaticaly know other known and respected security applications after its initial installation. As i received, what could have been if i did not know what they were, some alarming messages relating to my other security applications i have installed when they were trying to access the internet after my first comodo installation. (which are Kaspersky AV personal 5, Online Armor and Admucher).

  2. Secondly if the total system resouces usage currently around 30-50mb can somehow be reduced. To hopefully around 20mb range.

Other than that i cant find anything else wrong. And as you can see both of those are very minor points.


Hi and welcome to Comodo,

1. For it to recognise and automaticaly know other known and respected security applications after its initial installation. As i received, what could have been if i did not know what they were, some alarming messages relating to my other security applications i have installed when they were trying to access the internet after my first comodo installation. (which are Kaspersky AV personal 5, Online Armor and Admucher).

Comodo are working on implementing a feature that eventually will allow ‘safe’ applications to be automatically allowed access. Users will be able to send applications to Comodo to get them analysed. If Comodo find these to be ‘safe’ they be added to the ‘safe’ list. If they are not safe they will added to a none safe list.
CPF already can detect over 10,000 apps. as ‘safe, trojan, adware’, etc. You may have seen some popups saying that an application is ‘safe’.

2. Secondly if the total system resouces usage currently around 30-50mb can somehow be reduced. To hopefully around 20mb range

Comodo are working on this, and want to optimise it until it uses the least possible resources.

If you want to request other features you can add this to the CPF wishlist. :wink:

Hope this helps,