Comodo Mobile Security on Android Beta (CMS) V1.1.16846.2 is released.

Nice to hear from you!

Thanks Fanny (:CLP)

plz dont forget to take a look at wishlist in your free time
:-TU thanks for the wonderful product

Thank you for your reply, Fanny

in the future is there going to be anti-theft feature?remotely lock-unlock-wipe-scream phone?

Please include the option to take pics with back camera both by remote command and automatically upon failed intrusion attempts and send GPS information to help locate the phone.

Would also suggest by front camera to capture the face of who stole it/has it.

I was referring to the camera (to take a pic of the person) as the back camera as the other one is forward facing and would not see the person trying to access the phone.

I have version 1.1.16984.2 what changed??

Same here

Hi, guys,

Thanks you so much for your concerns. For this version, we

  • Imporved the automatic update mechanism;
  • Added “Export to system calls/SMSs” in Call/SMS Blocking feature to allow users to export blocked Calls and SMSs back to system;
  • Removed the notifications when the blocked SMSs or calls are read;
  • Refined UI, such as modifying “import from Call Records” to “import Call Records”, etc.

By going through these 2 Beta versions, we are now ready to launch our formal CMS with version V1.1.16984.2 to Android Market. Let’s looking forwards to it. I hope you guys can continuously support our product at Android Market.

Appreciate again, my lovest friends!

Best regards.


Locking this topic because of the final release.

The final can be downloaded from and commented in Comodo Mobile Security on Android (CMS) v.1.1.16984.2 is formally released..