Comodo Message Center


If I have Comodo Message Center (CMC) disabled, why in the past 2 weeks do I have 73 of these files littering the hard drive:

2011-05-01 12:49 AM 4,083 cmc100.tmp
2011-05-01 04:50 AM 4,083 cmc12A.tmp
2011-05-01 08:51 AM 4,083 cmc12B.tmp
2011-05-01 12:52 PM 4,083 cmc12C.tmp
2011-05-01 04:53 PM 4,083 cmc12D.tmp
2011-05-01 08:54 PM 4,083 cmc133.tmp
2011-05-02 12:55 AM 4,083 cmc134.tmp
2011-05-02 04:56 AM 4,083 cmc155.tmp
2011-05-02 08:57 AM 4,083 cmc156.tmp
2011-05-02 12:58 PM 4,083 cmc158.tmp
2011-05-02 02:27 PM 4,083 cmc11.tmp
2011-05-02 06:28 PM 4,083 cmc19.tmp
2011-05-02 10:29 PM 4,083 cmc1A.tmp
2011-05-03 02:30 AM 4,083 cmc1C.tmp
2011-05-03 06:31 AM 4,083 cmc1D.tmp
2011-05-03 10:32 AM 4,083 cmc1F.tmp
2011-05-03 02:33 PM 4,083 cmc30.tmp
2011-05-03 06:34 PM 4,083 cmc31.tmp
2011-05-03 10:35 PM 4,083 cmc32.tmp
2011-05-04 02:36 AM 4,083 cmc33.tmp
2011-05-04 06:37 AM 4,083 cmc34.tmp
2011-05-04 10:38 AM 4,083 cmc35.tmp
2011-05-04 02:39 PM 4,083 cmc3B.tmp
2011-05-04 10:41 PM 4,083 cmc41.tmp
2011-05-05 02:42 AM 4,083 cmc42.tmp
2011-05-05 06:43 AM 4,083 cmc43.tmp
2011-05-05 10:44 AM 4,083 cmc49.tmp
2011-05-05 02:45 PM 4,083 cmc51.tmp
2011-05-05 06:46 PM 4,083 cmc52.tmp
2011-05-05 10:47 PM 4,083 cmc53.tmp
2011-05-06 02:48 AM 4,083 cmc56.tmp
2011-05-06 06:49 AM 4,083 cmc57.tmp
2011-05-06 10:50 AM 4,083 cmc58.tmp
2011-05-06 02:51 PM 4,083 cmc5E.tmp
2011-05-06 06:52 PM 4,083 cmc5F.tmp
2011-05-06 10:53 PM 4,083 cmc61.tmp
2011-05-07 02:54 AM 4,083 cmc65.tmp
2011-05-07 06:55 AM 4,083 cmc66.tmp
2011-05-07 10:56 AM 4,083 cmc67.tmp
2011-05-07 02:57 PM 4,083 cmc7E.tmp
2011-05-07 06:58 PM 4,083 cmc80.tmp
2011-05-07 10:59 PM 4,083 cmc81.tmp
2011-05-08 03:00 AM 4,083 cmc82.tmp
2011-05-08 07:01 AM 4,083 cmc83.tmp
2011-05-08 11:02 AM 4,083 cmc84.tmp
2011-05-09 03:51 AM 4,083 cmcD.tmp
2011-05-09 07:52 AM 4,083 cmc10.tmp
2011-05-09 11:53 AM 4,083 cmc12.tmp
2011-05-09 03:54 PM 4,083 cmc60.tmp
2011-05-09 07:55 PM 4,083 cmc62.tmp
2011-05-09 11:56 PM 4,083 cmc68.tmp
2011-05-10 03:57 AM 4,083 cmcC5.tmp
2011-05-10 07:58 AM 4,083 cmcCC.tmp
2011-05-10 11:59 AM 4,083 cmcD1.tmp
2011-05-10 04:00 PM 4,083 cmcED.tmp
2011-05-10 08:01 PM 4,083 cmcF4.tmp
2011-05-11 12:02 AM 4,083 cmcF9.tmp
2011-05-11 04:03 AM 4,083 cmc109.tmp
2011-05-11 11:32 AM 4,083 cmcA.tmp
2011-05-11 03:33 PM 4,083 cmc16.tmp
2011-05-11 07:34 PM 4,083 cmc20.tmp
2011-05-11 11:35 PM 4,083 cmc21.tmp
2011-05-12 03:35 AM 4,083 cmc22.tmp
2011-05-12 11:37 AM 4,083 cmc29.tmp
2011-05-12 03:39 PM 4,083 cmc2B.tmp
2011-05-12 07:39 PM 4,083 cmc2D.tmp
2011-05-12 11:40 PM 4,083 cmc59.tmp
2011-05-13 03:42 AM 4,083 cmc70.tmp
2011-05-13 07:43 AM 4,083 cmcAE.tmp
2011-05-13 03:44 PM 4,083 cmcCB.tmp
2011-05-13 07:45 PM 4,083 cmcCE.tmp
2011-05-13 11:46 PM 4,083 cmcD7.tmp
2011-05-14 01:39 AM 4,083 cmcB.tmp

Keep in mind that this is only a 2 week sample. In the past I’ve had to delete thousands of these pointless files.

Why, when CMC is disabled, is it only partly disabled? Shouldn’t disabling CMC also stop the unnecessary downloading of these files? Really, the same file 73 times in just 2 weeks?

Care to share the location of those files, thank you?

Hi GakunGak. I have similar on Win7 Location is, Users>Username>AppData>Local>Temp
Kind regards.

I don’t see them on my system, Windows 7 32bit, Comodo Message Center enabled…

Same here.
CCleaner zaps them every day and I have been wondering what created them.

How do you Enable or Disable message centre ?

I am not aware of enabling CMC
Could these messages be a punishment for those who have it disabled ! ! !


And, on Windows XP they can be found here:

C:\Documents and Settings<username>\Local Settings\Temp\

Comodo>More>Preferences>Enable Comodo Message Center

Go to:


Many thanks.

That option was checked, I have now unchecked it.
The Help says what it does if I have registered.
I do not remember registering - could that be a cause ?

Now I have disabled it, will I no longer be told if my A.V. needs updating.
N.B. I also have not been reminded for the last 2 weeks that 5.3.*.1236 is out of date


Can’t speak directly to the A.V. portion of Comodo as I don’t use it, but as a Firewall if you have “Automatically check for program updates” enabled, I see no reason why you wouldn’t continue to receive notifications.

Hi Alan. You could view their contents with Text programs, like Word, Wordpad, Notepad to help in deciphering what created them or at least some of their contents.


That is enabled.
Perhaps it only works when I am only one release out of date.



You will still be alerted by the AV. Comodo Message center does not handle av updater notificatoins.

N.B. I also have not been reminded for the last 2 weeks that 5.3.*.1236 is out of date


That is a different issue. It looks like it is somehow related to cfpupdat.exe. Check the latest contributions of moderator Dennis2 in the CIS v5.4 release topic.


Thanks, I am actually waiting there for info on which of two versions is relevant,
the one in …\Repair\ or its parent.


Sorry about that, I thought I was providing feedback concerning a bug in Comodo. I don’t think there is anything that install, setup and/or configuration can do to fix the relentless downloading of those CMC files. Or, have I completely overlooked something obvious?

It looks like a bug to me. Please consider filing a bug report in the Bug Reports - CIS board following the format as described in FORMAT & GUIDE - just COPY/PASTE it!.

Thanks Eric

I have a few things to try first, since I have two versions of cfpupdate.exe in …\repair\ and its parent.

I am hoping to fix and then get an auto-update.

I will know a successful fix when I am told that an update is available (I am on 5.3.*.1236).

How soon and how often should I be told ?

How long should I wait before trying a different fix.
