Comodo Mascot?

I have no comment to that…

Loll. That bunny freaks me out. Besides, I feed rabbits to my Mother in law or else she chews through her chain. :wink:



Thanks for the reply. I am not quitting though, I just have to quit taking things too seriously. I also have to realize my witty sense of humor and good looks… ::slight_smile: don’t stand out when you type. I try to hard to put feeling into what I say and it doesn’t work and so I am working on this. :wink:



( ++ ) Shhh, Be Vewy Vewy Qwiet, i’m hunting Wabbits!
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Paul (:WIN)

Bunny doesn’t like you… (:AGY)

It’s OK. Paul’s hunting Wabbits & Bunny’s a cat. So, no problems. :wink:


Bunny says:
“You 'll never catch me.” (:TNG)

“I’m going to dominate the world” (:LGH)

Thats right!!!

Hey Paul,

Self praise is no praise. ;D Hahahah…

Yours truly,

Weoo see about dat! Wascoly wabbit!
(‘’)//> Perhaps it’s not a rabbit, it’s a stinkin’ Picachu!



Picachu isn’t that evil, although it does sort of look like him, lets compare (see attachment)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Lolll, Justin. :smiley: You know,since some think it’s a cat, a rabbit, a picachu, we use the cat to hunt the rabbit down, picachu to cook it, and it is now edible. (:CLP)



[attachment deleted by admin]

LMAO good one, looks like somebody is starting to copy Ewen (:CLP)

Lol, I don’t know if I would ever have half the forum in tears as Ewen did. Comedy should be his field, not knowing of course what he does now and not saying he isn’t good at it, but I think comedy is definately his strong point! :wink:



I would agree with that :wink:

going back to this, in two posts from Ewen , he’s had me ROFL , he can take a whole page of someone’s post and say a one liner and completely tear it down. I say we send hollywood an email, get Ewen on standup. The Comodo Comedian. :smiley: This may be a bit harder to accomplish then sending an email to a site to get Comodo posted, but hey, if he strikes it rich, we’ll say , hey Ewen, remember us?
$ $
( ###)



He does have that ability doesn’t he. I am all for it…

Lol, me too. hey, have you had any trouble with comodo web site lately? My bookmark brought me to apache server\trusix. Had to get here through hotmail notification.



Hi Paul,

I had also had a problem accessing but to the forum, which gave this last night around 12:30am UK time.


About an hour later my time, bookmark was no good. Probably just a server prob.
