Comodo log problem

No matter what I set my log size to it never remembers more than 20 log entries and sometimes I will open Comodo to find it is set at 5Mb. What could be causing this problem and how can I fix it?

ps I have not changed anything on my computer to trigger this problem and it was fine a few days ago any help is appreciated (:SAD)

I have the same problem (WinXPProSP2+Comodo2.4.18.184), but I noticed that a log file could be found in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Comodo\Personal Firewall\Logs".

This log could be perfect if date & time appeared in its records… I guess they are coded in a kind of numeric way, and I wonder if there is any program/utility that can display these logs in a readable way ?

Thanks in advance for your answers :wink:

(:SAD)i use comodo on a 2003 server, the log file grows so fast that the log file grow from 1M-5M again and again, open it in notepad, it’s html formatted, even when set log size to 100M, it never reach even 5.01M. So, any improvement?
many appreciates.