Comodo Internet Security v11.0.0.6644 - BETA

Ok, thank you.

Didn’t had ANY intergration problems with Comodo FW and Windows 10, not a single one.

I had on the last two builds of 1803 and on all versions of CIS 11 beta.

Uninstalled the Beta with Comodo Uninstaller again.

Re-installed the KB4340917 which took the system to Win10 x64 1803 (17134.191) them reinstalled the 6644 Beta

After all the reboots etc. everything is now working fine. Security Centre is happy once more and all is well with Virtual Desktop & KillSwitch . . . . . .

Win10 x64 1803 (17134.191)

Did you first uninstall KB4340917, then reinstall CIS and then update KB4340917 again?

I tried first with uninstalling KB4340917 - reboot etc. but that didn’t work

Reinstalling / overwriting 6644 didn’t work

Uninstalled 6644 with Comodo Uninstall - reinstalled KB4340917 to Win10 x64 1803 (17134.191)

Installed 6644 and everything appears fine

It would seem that the Windows updates, at least on this system have all to be completed first and then CIS installed. Any other order breaks the registration

Use the Update button under the General Tasks: Comodo Internet Security Software Updates, Download Software Updates | COMODO

I had something similar with CIS and Windows 8.1 and 7 several weeks ago. I had a weird performance issue with Opera classic browser which was related to CIS (disabling inspect driver solved it). But the problem did not happen with a clean USB install of Opera classic. Cleaning out certain files in Opera’s profile helped.

After trying and uninstalling Windows updates and playing with several versions of CIS things got back working. I installed Windows updates one by one to see if one would break. It started working but I felt I didn’t figure out what caused the crazy. Things have been working fine ever since.

I don’t see KB4340917 installed on my Windows 10/64 Pro.

Short lived success . . . Started up this morning and back to the ‘both firewalls turned off message’

Back to 6606 I guess, until this is fixed

Edit: Clean install with 6606 - no problems Win10 x64 1803 (17134.191)

OMFG, it finally works for me! It seems to, just restarted, fingers crossed…

The same applies to Windows 7 SP1 x64. :slight_smile:

As a last try, I tried to install it as an update to 6606. Same result unfortunately so back to 6606 again!

Win10 x64 1803 (17134.191)

I uninstalled this beta, cleanup, manually installed KB4340917 (because it was not yet auto-updated) and installed this beta.

Still the Windows Defender reports that Comodo Firewall is installed but in-active.

But Comodo FW seems to work fine.

For those with security center integration and reporting issues, you should check to make sure two instances of cmdagent are running in task manager, one is the normal cmdagent service, the other is the protected service that was introduced in the 6622 beta.

New: Protected Service: This hot-fix achieves following requirement coming in Windows 10, RS5 release, which is due in Fall-2018 as explained [url=]here[/url]: The Windows Security Center (WSC) service now requires antivirus products to run as a protected process to register. Products that have not yet implemented this will not appear in the Windows Security UI, and Windows Defender Antivirus will remain enabled side-by-side with these products

Chances are if the protected cmdagent service does not start at system startup, then security center reporting will be broken.

I don’t have Comodo AV, still the problem is there.

And i see two commandagent running.

Yes, there are two, but still the security center does not recognize CIS

To whom CIS is not recognized as the Security Center, try this as a temporary solution - make some changes to the registry, it is necessary that CIS when checking is not recognized as an unregistered product (MS now recognizes not all antiviruses as certified, and it seems that CIS in this case has problems ).
Create a file called DisableAvCheck.reg and copy these lines inside:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Security Center \ Feature]
“DisableAvCheck” = dword: 00000001

Then run this file to add this entry to the registry (ignore the system warning of possible riskiness of changes to the registry). Then reboot the system. After that, again check the Security Center for the presence or absence of a problem.
PS: This solution is reliable on Windows 10 RS 5 (not for RS 4 or upd. 1803)
And if my advice does not suit the administration, you can delete my comment.

This does not work. I already told you on our comss.

Perhaps it will help someone else.

Will not help. There are problems in updating the system and crutches will not fix the problem.