Comodo Internet Security v11.0.0.6606 - RC

Updated from 10 to this RC, using the Update function (after adding the IP).

Restarted, no Comodo Icon. Trying to run it manually also did nothing.

Went back to 10.

Windows 10/64 Pro. Greek. Firewall only version.

Updated yesterday from last Beta. No problems and everything running smoothly

If you decide to try again can you check C:\ProgramData\Comodo\CisDumps folder to see if any memory dumps are created? I think it was crashing at startup. Also if you can try a clean install of this RC and see if it starts properly and it if doesn’t again check to see if dumps are being created.

Did that again (update from 10) and there is NO dump of anything. What i see is some errors in System event log.

Also i run the fixer of Comodo uninstaller with no luck but i have the Report zip (if anybody cares).

Now i will try the other method, with the Installer and not the update.

Ok, second test. Unistalled 10, and installed 11 firewall only. Same problem. Exactly the same.

So now back to 10.

An error that appears after 11 installation in my event log is:

- - 1000 2 100 0x80000000000000 6836 Application Sorrento - bad_module_info 00000000 unknown 00000000 c0000374 00007ffbf1b54d1b 450 01d40bc892472900 bad_module_info unknown 9faf7fa1-047e-45ac-b63d-698b7fee07f0


- - 24 2 2 0 0 0x8000000000000000 6814 Application Sorrento - - CisWmi SELECT * FROM FwAlert FwAlert //./root/cis


- - 10001 0 2 0 0 0x8080000000000000 5554 System Sorrento - C:\WINDOWS\System32\rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shell32.dll,SHCreateLocalServerRunDll {995C996E-D918-4a8c-A302-45719A6F4EA7} -Embedding 298 {995C996E-D918-4A8C-A302-45719A6F4EA7} Μη διαθέσιμο Μη διαθέσιμο

Do you have core isolation memory integrity enabled in windows defender security center under device security?

I have no idea what is that and i don’t see it anywhere as an option.

Edit: ok, this is called different in my language, ok (not 100% sure it is what you say, still …) . This is not enabled because it is not supported as it says.

Thanks for checking out, team will be in touch.

Hi Umesh, I reported this on beta but nothing much was done. Have gone bach to stable 10. If this is not resolved, then would be a big issue.

This does not have impact on sandboxing, just a visual thing in file listing. We hope to address it by mid-Jul hot-fix we plan to have.

Hi Shoonay,
Thanks for submitted reports. We have analyzed it and it’s not a regression. We hope to address it by mid-Jul hot fix release.


Hi Umesh,

Thanks for the update. Can I ask why are we making a release in a haste tuesday when the current 10 is already stable? With these UI glitches, new users will feel lost, confused or lose faith in product.

If something is planned mid jul, then isn’t is better to hold of the entire v11 release until then? As such 11 doesnot have any new functionality so I am sure users can wait another 15 days longer.

Just my thoughts.

We have some critical crashes to address in this release and can’t wait longer.
Next release will take it’s own release cycle and has some serious changes as well.

Good work guys. :slight_smile:

Releasing 11 tomorrow ? Am i right? If so, this is kinda of weird.

Since i don’t think i’m the only one having major trouble after updating, it will be a mess.

“Fail in haste, repent at leisure” is really not the best mantra for software development.

This has happened in the past where meeting a deadline was considered more important than functional quality.

Ewen :THNK

Ok Umesh. Took the plunge, was asked to reboot twice in a span of 1 hour. So far 1713 unrecognized files but everything else seams ok.

Thanks for your concern panic, appreciated.
We are in touch with Pixo1, who has been very kind to provide details, but we have not been able to produce the issue in our environment.

We will release v11 for new users today, while we continue to work with Pixo1 to identify environment issues that may lead to errors he sees.

Regarding unrecognized files listing, that is not regression, as we see reports, there have been some users having similar issues in production version as well, we have some code fixes which hopefully should solve it in next release. Also, it doesn’t affect sandboxing decision, just visual thing.



Just to be clear, MY problem is that Comodo doesn’t seem to load/started in my pc after 11. I mean i see no widget or pop ups.

The rest are event log errors.