Comodo Internet Security Premium - Updates

Hi to all,

I recently reinstalled windows 10 on laptop.
CIS asks every day and several times a day to update and then restart.
So because of this strange behaviour I reinstalled CIS, but no luck. :-\

The other PC updates and never asks to restart.

Desktop: Windows 10 Pro 21H2
Laptop: Windows 10 Home 21H2

Anyone has any idea??

Hi Lkn,

Thank you for reporting, cis prompts to show that “the updates are available” is known issue and the team is working on it.
But CIS shouldn’t ask to restart the machine several times.
Could you please click update in the CIS and do Full scan once & then restart and check again.
Kindly let us know your feedback.


Hi, thank you for your reply and sorry if I answer only now


sure! I’m following your instructions now and I’ll tell you.
I noticed that on the laptop the windows system restore point was active.
Another difference between the two machines

Dear C.O.M.O.D.O RT,

the issue is disappeared!
thank you very much for your help!

Hi Lkn,

Thank you for your feedback.
Have a nice day.
