Comodo Internet Security Essentials v1.2.419616.81 Released

i am not sure how that will help.

you see i have installed just the firewall but with one of the UPDATES came the CIS part.

on one of my systems i just removed comodo firewall and CIS (that was installed when an update was made).

then i used the online installer to install comodo firewall again.

now i have only comodo firewall installed (like it is supposed to be):

but who guarantees me that the next update will not install CIS again?

It will be optional in updates as well when we make it optional in fresh install.

please do it right the next time from the start.

i just spend part of this morning to write about and trying to fix this ■■■■.
and i really have better things to do than figuring out what is wrong with comodo.

i mean this is really a NO GO… especially for a software that should improve security and make you feel safe.

installing additional components without asking the user is not helping comodo!

Yes, Comodo does need to offer it as a option rather than forcing it upon people. Also they needed to let you know to restart the Computer once ISE is installed otherwise it will block almost everything as it can not communicate with the driver it installs until you restart your pc.

So if you are having issues where ISE wont open or is showing a popup for every website just restart your PC and that will fix those issues. Unless of course you are a target for Man in the middle Attacks.

After spending a good 30 minutes trying to figure out why my Comodo Internet Security was suddenly acting very different than usual, I came across something that should NOT have been installed onto my computer. I recently set my Comodo Internet Security for an update, and as it turns out, ISE was installed WITHOUT my knowledge it seems, as I do no recall agree or accepting any such installation.

After being a little spooked by sudden messages from ISE popping claiming that sites that I frequently visit (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc) were an apparent security breach, and for me to ‘block access’ to these sites. Me, being paranoid about a potential attack on my system decide to hit block, unknowingly blocking access to these websites.

Once I’d figured out that the culprit was ISE, I immediately tried to fire up the program in an attempt to reverse what I’d done - to no avail. I cannot even access the UI, from both the Start Menu, nor through Program Files. So, my next flawed logical solution was to attempt and uninstall ISE in the hopes of it removing all blocks, as well as the program itself. Alas, no joy.

Drawing upon my once again flawed logic, I trolled through search engines in an attempt to figure out a solution. I came upon THIS forum, and discovered that this ISE Release thread. I re-installed ISE (crazy, I know), to what seemed to be the latest version in the hopes that the UI would actually be available for me to unblock the websites. Negative.

For reference, the version that I have re-installed is: v1.2.419616.81. I am still at this time unable to access any means of UI. And yes, of course I restarted my computer. That’s a no-brainer at this point in time.

It seems I’m not the only person experiencing this issue of a very deceitful method of Comodo ‘testing’ their new product. As a long time Comodo user, I am both very disappointed and quite angry at Comodo for pulling such a stunt. I’m now unable to unblock those websites because there is simply no way to do so as of yet. As blunt and harsh as it may sound, I require a solution for this issue immediately as this is by far unacceptable for a ‘reputable’ company such as Comodo to be acting out in this manner. Any assistance from Comodo staff as well as other users is very much appreciated in this time.

Hi Emen,
May you please re-start the system and check behavior?


To what Umesh stated, uninstall ISE then reboot and check.

Hi All,
We have paused the updates to address the problems stated out of Update.
In the mean time, if anyone has problem due to update where he can’t browse, system re-start should fix the problem.

After we have solved, we will resume update.

Thank you

I installed Comodo Cloud antivirus then found that my email client Mailbird couldn’t use Google OAuth. The problem was eventually found to be Comodo’s Internet Security Essentials blocking Google API. I want to completely uninstall Comodo, as well as Internet Security Essentials (which I didn’t know I had downloaded). Will a complete uninstall of Comodo & its components solve this problem and is the regular uninstall process enough? How can I ensure that there is no trace left of Comodo? Thanks.


ISE was updated in .81 version.

But :
1st the language is not in french bu t english
2nd the icon on the right of " what would you like to do?" is inactive

May you please try to re-start the system?

Is it normal vkise.exe are still connecting with and
Before the update it was connecting only for a while and then disappeared.
Today it`s connecting all the time.
Sorry for quite bad English.


yes after restarting computer everything’s all right.

This is probably a stupid question but I did a fresh install of CIS which hasn’t included CISE as far as i can tell but I did install everything apart from GBuddy elements wise. As a CIS user, should I still have CISE installed or is it more a thing for just CCAV users? Some clarification would be great.



In case you installed CISE before and uninsalled, you won’t be seeing CISE installed.
We plan to change this behavior by making CISE as an optional component at time of installation always like other modules.


Thanks Umesh, that clarifies things a bit. I’ll trial the current CISE by installing it manually from here.

Many thanks,


Installed and running in the background fine and listed on the installed apps but no sign of a start menu icon to access any settings as indicated in the release notes.


Hi Eric,
Have you expanded the Comodo folder in the start menu?

Kind regards.

Hi Eric,
We rolled back the last release as it caused some issues during update while new installation was just fine.

We will be releasing updated version next week.


Thanks Umesh, looking forward to the re-release next week.


[at] CaptainSticks - Tried that but wasn’t there, looks like release of newer version was rolleback until next week.
